Padova to create statistical models on lung tumors – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – PADOVA, 09 SEPTEMBER – The Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health Unit of the Department of Cardio-Thoracic-Vascular Sciences and Public Health of the University of Padua (UBEO) has been entrusted with the responsibility of statistical modeling of lung tumor staging for the 10th edition of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer classification project. Staging defines the extent and progression of a tumor. It is one of the most important elements for arriving at an accurate diagnosis, since together with other factors it allows for establishing the prognosis and identifying the most appropriate treatments for each patient.
The project undertaken by the University of Padua, lasting 7 years, will end in 2030, with the publication of new indications for the staging of these tumors that will emerge from the collection and analysis of approximately 150,000 patients from all over the world. The work is made possible by a contribution of approximately 3 million dollars.
“This new responsibility consolidates Ubep’s role in advanced research, particularly in the field of statistical modeling and artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in the clinical field. The fact – says Dario Gregori, director of the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health Unit at Unipd – that Padua was chosen to conduct this project will allow us to give a further boost to our research on machine learning and artificial intelligence methods in clinical epidemiology, with essential implications for precision medicine in this type of pathology”. (ANSA).

2024-09-09 09:30:30

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