Page will defend his “no” to the amnesty before Sánchez

by time news

2023-10-27 02:22:58

Pedro Sánchez will chair the meeting of the Federal Committee this Saturday with an agenda whose agenda item is to call for a consultation with the militants so that they ratify the coalition agreement that he has signed with the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz. Not a word about Catalonia or the amnesty appears in the pact, and the official slogan is that this issue must be excluded from the meeting since nothing has yet been signed with Carles Puigdemont, former president of the Generalitat, or with the rest of the partners that the PSOE needs to carry out Sánchez’s investiture.

The president of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has never had the idea of ​​skipping this conclave of the socialist leadership with some agenda excuse in mind, only that he had strategically decided not to advance his plans until the speculation that began to circulate yesterday forced his team to confirm the decision made. Page will attend the Federal Committee, but will also take the floor to be internally consistent with the position he has maintained since the day after the general elections on the context that those results opened and the possibility of an amnesty for the independence leaders prosecuted by the « “procés” in exchange for the support of Junts so that Sánchez continues in Moncloa.

“A political body is going to talk about politics,” is the complaint of critics. From those around them they do not anticipate more, although this obligatory exercise of coherence gives special relevance to the next Federal Committee. Only Page, as an active leader, is publicly leading the critical line that the negotiation that Moncloa maintains with Puigdemont has opened within the PSOE. The complaint is that Sánchez has the party kidnapped, since he does not call meetings of the management bodies nor is he favoring any debate on what is currently on the dialogue table with Junts, ERC, PNV and Bildu. Therefore, this Committee is the first examination to which the sole command of Moncloa is subjected after an electoral process that has practically wiped out all the territorial power of the party and that places the socialist acronyms at a complicated crossroads if they want to maintain control. from La Moncloa.


The president of La Mancha did not participate in the Senate debate on the amnesty, boycotted by the acting Government on the grounds that it was an instrumentalization of the Chamber by the PP, with an absolute majority, to put stones in Sánchez’s investiture agreement. But his position on the road through which Moncloa circulates has been made more than clear in each of his interventions. And this Saturday is his opportunity to shut up those who blame him for not rebelling internally and for only making public statements against a concession to the independence movement that he himself has said is a threat to Spain and to the equality of Spaniards. .

The shield in which Sánchez and his team take refuge is that they cannot be criticized for a transfer that has not yet been executed, they say that many lies are being told and that when the text of the agreement is seen it will be time to speak. It is the same shield in which other socialist leaders also take refuge who, if they are consistent with themselves, and with what they have done and said in the past within the PSOE, cannot support what Moncloa is up to, although they now maintain a striking equidistance that they justify with appeals to prudence and not doing anything that could harm their party.

Page will speak on Saturday about the “political scene as a whole” and it remains to be seen if the acting president will maintain his silence on the negotiation with Puigdemont and limit his speech to explaining the benefits of the agreement signed with Sumar. For there to be a government, the favorable vote of other parliamentary groups is necessary, including the Catalan independence parties and the PNV. Among the demands is the approval of an amnesty for all those involved in the independence “process” of Catalonia and the national recognition of Catalonia and the Basque Country. Therefore, unless the pact with Puigdemont and the rest of the partners is closed in the next few hours, the agreement between PSOE and Sumar is not guaranteed to be carried out, but the federal statutes of the PSOE establish the obligation to submit it to a vote of the bases. Specifically, the PSOE establishes as obligatory the consultation of the militancy on the Government agreements in which the PSOE is a party or on the direction of voting in investiture sessions that involve facilitating the Government to another political party. If the pact with Puigdemont were closed, it would also have to pass the endorsement of the militancy. But that does not worry Moncloa, because they assume that they will endorse it. Militancy is always more radical than voters and organic positions. The polls, in fact, already reflect the perplexity of the socialist electorate with the negotiation with Puigdemont.

#Page #defend #amnesty #Sánchez

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