“Painful to part. Is Rossi worth it? A little story”

by time news

January 30, 2024 09:19

Ironic, rebellious, messy but decidedly determined and with clear ideas


Martina Stella, the end of her marriage to Andrea Manfredonia in 2023

Last August Martina Stella separated from Andrea Manfredonia, sports agent (see the photos of the wedding between Stella and Manfredonia in September 2016). The actress explained that there were “insurmountable reasons that caused her a lot of pain” and she does not want to go into details about her: “I don’t want my children to read unpleasant things.” One chapter closes with her difficult moments and another opens, despite her not having much luck in love. “I question myself, but I always chase happiness, light. I’m not disheartened. As a dreamer, I am open to life’s possibilities. I’m not done with love, I’m too young. Now I don’t feel like it, but I don’t preclude myself from anything” Stella explains to the “Corriere della Sera” with the desire for a rebirth.

“My children are my everything”, what he does in his free time, who is Ginevra’s father, Gabriele Gregorini

“I go to the cinema as little as possible, I avoid social evenings, I prefer a simpler life, I hang out with other mothers” says Martina Stella, who has two children, Ginevra, whom she had in 2012 from her previous relationship with Gabriele Gregorini, and Leonardo, born in 2021 and fruit of love with Andrea Manfredonia. “Ginevra is very nice and I became very cheerful with her – says the actress – For Leonardo (a budding painter) I had to have the living room wall repainted”.

How Martina Stella is on social media

On social media Martina Stella captures followers with sympathy. “I try to give a smile to those who follow me. On Instagram I’m truly an ambassador for fashion brands, but I bring myself, I’m sincere. I really liked the character of the ‘gone bad’ influencer, as I call her, she makes me endear myself. And the stories in which I tell the daily follies in mothers’ chats are also popular.”

Martina Stella, the first audition for “The Last Kiss” at 15 and a half years old

“A small agency in Florence followed me, just at the idea of ​​going to Rome I was enlightened – Martina Stella tells the “Corriere” – And then Muccino had just made Like you nobody ever, for us kids he was a legend. I saw that audition again recently, in reality I was embarrassed as hell.”

Clumsy but very good, Martina Stella’s debut as an actress

“Before arriving I had been to the restaurant and I had spilled tomato sauce on my white t-shirt, I was all wrapped up. I didn’t have change. The waiter tried to remove the stain with talcum powder and made things worse.” Thus begins the story of the audition. They cast her with her beautiful Tuscan accent. “C-words were trouble. She felt a lot”. “On set they made me very blonde, I was happy, I saw myself as someone else. I was very lucky to start like this, it was crazy. I wasn’t scared, it was what I had always wanted,” says the actress.

Martina Stella: “The kiss to Raoul Bova? How embarrassing”

Raoul Bova was her idol and when she found herself having to kiss him on set for work she was extremely embarrassed. “On the first day we had to shoot the kissing scene straight away, I was super embarrassed, I confessed it to him and Raoul helped me loosen up. As a seductress I’m awkward, even in real life. I’m more ironic, not a cougar” confesses Martina Stella. “At work I don’t create problems, I’m a calm guy – she adds and confides – I’m a transparent person but I have my shadows, my melancholy. Behind the ironic image there is a mysterious part, which I keep to myself”.


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