“Pak Yo”: Arel Segal’s friend from the band quit because of his opinions

by time news

After Aral Segal’s friend from the band, vocalist Dror Poir, left the band because of his opinions, Segal addressed the issue today (Monday) in a monologue on Channel 14. Segal quoted Poir, saying: “It is not appropriate for me to sing with someone who calls you And I have parasites on the spirit (probably the great spirit of Goldknopf and Deri), and the next evening a rock and roll player arrives – one of the purest expressions of the secular spirit as I see it. For me it is sacred. Am I a parasite on the wind? Pak Yu”.

Segal responded: “Foyer means the monologue in which I argued that to the same extent that the ultra-orthodox are labeled as parasites on matter, one can argue that contemporary Israeli secularism is a parasite on the spirit, and I meant the biblical Jewish spirit that hovers over the Declaration of Independence.”

In conclusion, Sgal noted that he still loves Foyer, despite everything: “If it’s up to me, the candle is still lit, because we are one people.”

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