Pakistan is not dominated by the class of elites, but by the class of miscreants, the Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami

by times news cr

2024-07-28 18:32:30

(Arshad Qureshi) Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman says that the government will be forced to kneel, some people want to disappoint the youth, if we are divided then the enemy will become powerful, the privileges of those who divide us will increase. The enemies of Pakistan will have to eat, this sit-in will change the history of Pakistan, not the elite class, but the gangster class is imposing on Pakistan, Pakistan will be free from the feudal lords.

Addressing the sit-in, Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman said that there is no interest in staging a sit-in and sitting on the streets, this sit-in is connecting and uniting the whole of Pakistan. We will have to fight, it is a long fight, a long struggle, a conspiracy was hatched, Islamabad was blocked with containers, we defeated the conspiracy with our discipline, these containers cannot block our way, workers d. While reaching the square, we said that they will fight with the police, forcing people to pay bribes, this is a system of promoting bribes.

Amir Jamaat-e-Islami said that the sit-in will end when all the demands are accepted, reduce the salary slab, reduce the price of electricity, youth! Do not be disappointed with the country, I know that employment opportunities are being closed for the youth, the sufferings of the youth are temporary, if you are disappointed, the tyrants will become powerful.

He said that you want the business of IPPs to continue, now the future of Pakistan is related to Jamaat-e-Islami, the business of IPPs was started by PPP in 1994, PML-G brought it to its peak, some people from here and there Jumping sometimes N-League sometimes J-League D-League I don’t understand how many leagues there are, the government is talking to us as if they are little uncles they don’t know anything. It consists of, they want to take back Pakistan well and remain dominant even after retiring, this is a long fight, you have to stand up and fight for your right, are you ready?

Naeemur Rehman said that now the issue will not end only with the IPPs, the levy of petrol will also have to be abolished, everyone will have to come on a thirteen hundred cc vehicle, we know how to solve the problems of the economy. We need a lot for the future of youth, we don’t need anything for Jamaat, government schools are being sold, you can’t run schools, you are selling schools, there will be resistance to selling 13 thousand schools by Punjab government, children Give one system of education, the class system of education is not accepted, they said that small things have been taxed, flour, rice and milk have been taxed, they said that there is only one way to resist, peaceful resistance all. There is a lot of power, the demands have been given to the negotiation team, the sit-in is increasing, now it will not be handled by the government, tomorrow there will be a women’s rally on Murree Road, the strength of the sit-in should not stop, tomorrow when my sisters will be in the rally. I will ask them to be ready to go to D Chowk, listen to PML-N, PPP, MQM, you have no roots in the people, the government with Form 47 will not be able to stop this flood.

Amir Jamaat-e-Islami said that we can hold a historic dharna in Karachi too, tomorrow I will announce a dharna in Lahore, there will be a dharna in Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar, the dharna will start in Peshawar on Friday or Saturday, Quetta. I will also announce a sit-in. There will also be a sit-in at D Chowk Parliament. They said, Shahbaz Sharif, understand our mood. In two to two and a half billion, the people will have to indulge these rulers. .

Also Read: Important Member of Assembly has announced separation from the government

2024-07-28 18:32:30

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