Palermo massacre, the 17-year-old daughter wrote to her friends while massacring her mother

by time news

The girl is in prison and would like to see her father again. According to the investigators she is very calm and lucid

Patrizia Chimera

February 18th – 2.40pm – MILAN

The police had found her in the bed of her room, while she was sleeping. In the room next to hers were the lifeless bodies of her brothers. While her mother was buried in the garden. Today the 17-year-old daughter of Giovanni Barreca is in prison because she, together with her father, massacred her mother and siblings, with two other alleged accomplices, Sabrina Fina and Massimo Carandente. But new disturbing details emerge from the investigations into the Palermo massacre.

she wrote to her friends while her mother died

When interviewed by investigators, the teenager said she had participated in the massacre in the family home. The father had been convinced to perform an exorcism to free his wife and younger brother from demons, through torture and abuse. A ritual that ended with the massacre of the family.

The 17-year-old also confessed that she realized, at a certain point, that she didn’t want to go on. But she did nothing to save her brothers. Furthermore, according to what emerged, the young girl, who is now in prison on charges of complicity in murder and suppression of a corpse, continued to write as if nothing had happened to her friends during her exorcism. Even while they were massacring Antonella Salomone, her mother, who was killed, burned and buried not far from the family villa in Altavilla Milicia.

autopsy on the bodies of the siblings and on the bones of the mother

Medical examiners conducted tests on the bones of the 17-year-old’s mother and also on the bodies of her little brothers, Kevin and Emanuel.

But there’s more. Giovanni Barreca had met the two accomplices, Sabrina Fina and Massimo Carandente, on social media, within a group called Servants of God. At the beginning of January the family began to visit the couple: he thought his wife was possessed, as did his youngest son. From prayers we moved on to violence, because everyone was convinced that only pain would free them.

The woman began to rebel and, perhaps for this reason, she was the first to be killed. The autopsy will establish not only how, but also when. The second to lose his life in the massacre was the youngest child and then Kevin. The murderers would have tortured, tortured and hogtied the two boys, in violent rites in which the older sister also participated. The girl from prison asked to see her father again.

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