Palestine and its right to independence

by time news

2023-10-18 22:32:47

More than seven decades of aggression, ethnic cleansing, occupation, displacement and violations today reinforce Palestine’s right to freedom in the face of permanent Israeli genocide.

What began with the Nakba (catastrophe) in 1948 continues to the present, in light of the inability of the United Nations and the international community to pressure Israel and respect the will of the Palestinian people for their independence.

It is worth remembering that the Israeli colonization process in 1948 forcibly displaced 957,000 citizens living in historic Palestine in around 1,300 towns and communities, and carried out nearly 51 massacres with a death toll of more than 15,000.

The occupation did not stop its expansionist desires and in 1967 it colonized the rest of the territories of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, in a tragedy known as Al Naksa.

What began with the Nakba (catastrophe) in 1948 continues to the present. Photo: Al Mayadeen.

In 1993, with the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority recognized Israel as a state in its homeland, and the Arab nation was reduced to 22 percent of the original territory, half of what was allocated under the UN partition plan. of 1947.

However, the dispossession was progressive and according to researcher Susana Khalil, Palestine currently only has seven percent of its land, given the increase in colonial settlements and the construction of the Wall of Shame as a method of extermination.

For the Palestinian writer Jamal Kanj, the silence of the so-called international community granted impunity to Israel and perpetuated the normalization of its apartheid.

The rise of the far right in Israeli politics following the death of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 and successive governments imposed a series of oppressive measures such as checkpoints, exclusive roads in settlements, violence and raids.

Since then, Palestinian prisoners and deaths have increased due to constant aggression, as well as offenses and attacks against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Islamic and Christian shrines.

Before the launch of the current Al Aqsa Flood resistance operation, Israeli assassinations this 2023 reached more than 250 Palestinians, including 47 children.

Gaza, considered the largest open-air prison in the world, has endured a harsh economic blockade for more than 18 years, its citizens being lynched at the hands of Israeli soldiers in cities such as Hawara and Hebron.

Meanwhile, the burning of Palestinian cars, houses and businesses, under the official protection of the army and the direct support of the ministers, is reported daily by the local and international press.

In addition, more than five thousand Palestinians suffer in Israeli prisons under sanctions of administrative detention, in light of the implementation of measures such as prolonged isolation, limited contact with family and restricted access to medical treatment.

Prior to a tour of the region, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian stressed that the world knows that the main cause of the crisis in West Asia is the occupation of Palestine by the Zionist entity.

The Chancellor considered that the siege, the cutting of water and electricity, and the prevention of the entry of medicine and food indicate the enemy’s intentions to carry out a massacre against the residents of Gaza.

The conflict in Gaza is not a war of the Zionists with a particular militia, but against all Palestinians.

Western media blame the current escalation on the Hamas movement, but Abdullahian emphasized that the conflict in Gaza is not a war by the Zionists with a particular militia, but against all Palestinians.

Palestine resists the Israeli attacks and fights for its freedom, regardless of the sacrifices of its men and women and the number of martyrs.

Taken from PL

#Palestine #independence

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