Palestinian Authority Payments to Terrorists: MTL Enforcement Project and Tax Authority Cooperation

by time news

The Palestinian Authority Paid NIS 148 Million to Families of “Martyrs” According to Report

According to Calcalist, the MTL has published data showing that the Palestinian Authority has paid approximately NIS 148 million to the families of “martyrs” involved in murderous terrorist attacks between 2018 and 2022. These individuals were either killed during the attacks or seriously injured.

The report also revealed that a joint enforcement project called “Yuval” is being carried out in cooperation with the National Insurance. This project has resulted in the seizure of funds totaling NIS 6.67 million and the confiscation of 53 vehicles. According to MTL, the National Insurance receives a warning if they identify a holder of a blue identity card who is receiving payments from the Palestinian Authority for their involvement in a terrorist attack. As a result, the money is frozen, and legal action is pursued to recover the amounts paid.

The MTL has also been working in collaboration with the Tax Authority to identify individuals who are receiving funds from the Palestinian Authority. Those found to be receiving such payments are issued notices of demand from the Income Tax and their tax reports are thoroughly examined. This cooperation has led to the identification of 280 million shekels, as well as approximately 47 million shekels of VAT payments that were allegedly not reported by Arab residents of East Jerusalem.

These revelations have highlighted the financial repercussions faced by individuals who have been involved in terrorist activities and are receiving payments from the Palestinian Authority. The joint efforts of the MTL, National Insurance, and Tax Authority are aimed at preventing the flow of funds to those associated with terrorism and ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

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