Palestinians await the administration of the Biden administration – the Jerusalem Center for Public and State Affairs

by time news

The state budget has passed in the Knesset and at the moment there is no fear of the fall of Naftali Bennett’s government. The Biden administration has been patiently waiting for this moment, so as not to undermine the stability of the coalition, and now it is estimated in Jerusalem that it will try to advance a number of its demands from Israel, including the reopening of the US Consulate in Jerusalem during the Trump administration. The country The host, namely Israel.

The reopening of the American Consulate in Jerusalem was at the forefront of the Biden Government’s promises to Palestinians who see it as an American recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of the future Palestinian state.

The Palestinians also feel that the moment of decision on the issue is approaching. In recent days, there have been belligerent remarks in the Palestinian media on behalf of the PA, Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad a-Shtiya and other PA officials who called on the Biden administration to keep its promises to reopen the US Consulate in East Jerusalem and the PLO offices in Washington.

Ahmad al-Majdalani, a member of the PLO executive committee, even threatened on November 9 that the Palestinians would not agree to any American initiative if the US did not open the consulate in Jerusalem as promised, however, it seems that the issue has not yet been finally decided despite Ned’s statements. Price is a spokesman for the U.S. State Department who said the administration continues to promote the idea of ​​opening a consulate.

There seem to be several factors delaying the administration’s decision to open the consulate.

AThe strong opposition of Prime Minister Bennett and Foreign Minister Lapid to the opening of the consulate in Jerusalem, at a joint press conference this week, the two declared their opposition to the move and Foreign Minister Lapid added that he has no objection to the US opening the consulate in Ramallah.

B. Palestinian evasion of the administration’s demand for government reforms in the PA – the demand was passed on to the PA chairman, US envoy Hadi Amru during his last visit to Ramallah, Mahmoud Abbas refuses to fulfill the American demand and since then Hadi Amro’s visits to Mukata in Ramallah have ceased.

The Americans are very concerned about the great erosion in the status of the PA chairman on the Palestinian street and the strengthening of the status of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Palestinian public, a Palestinian opinion poll published in the Occupied Territories two months ago indicated that 80 percent Of Mahmoud Abbas from his post.

US envoy Hadi Amro clarified the administration’s position on the urgent need for PA reforms to strengthen its position on the Palestinian street.

A-Shtiya failed to deal with the corona plague and rescue the PA from its economic distress, he also joined Mahmoud Abbas’ threats against Israel to appeal to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, back to the 1947 partition plan and the establishment of a “single state” for Israelis and Palestinians.

The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported on October 8 that the Biden government had demanded that the PA accept the understandings between Egyptian intelligence and Hamas, including the formation of a technocratic government, an idea that came up in a meeting between Egyptian President al-Sisi and Jack Sullivan, National Security Adviser In return, the administration renewed its commitments to Mahmoud Abbas to improve the PA’s economic situation and prevent its collapse in the near future, provided that the PA chairman implements the necessary reforms.

Last August, the PA chairman considered a cosmetic change in the composition of the Palestinian government, planning to keep Muhammad a-Shtiya as prime minister and replace several ministers in the fields of interior, health and local government without the government being forced to resign.

However, in the end he withdrew from his plan, the Palestinian street wants to see a real change in the executive field of government and security mechanisms, including stopping the effects of corruption and nepotism in PA mechanisms.

PA chairman refuses to respond to what he sees as dictates from the Biden administration and there is currently tension between the Muqata in Ramallah and the White House. Biden in the word “liars.”

third. According to PA sources, the Biden administration also demanded that the PA chairman stop and pay monthly allowances to terrorists and their families. For Mahmoud Abbas, this demand of the administration is to cross a “red line.”

Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad a-Shtiya told foreign reporters in Ramallah on November 10 that the PA was ready to discuss a law regulating the payment of salaries to security prisoners imprisoned in Israel and to the “martyred” families.

“If anyone has a reservation about this or that section of the law, it can be discussed,” he said.

DAnger in the Biden administration over the expected trip of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to Moscow on the 23rd of the month for a meeting with President Putin.

Mahmoud Abbas is asking for Russia’s help in convening the Quartet, contrary to the Biden administration’s position, to discuss the idea of ​​convening an international peace conference.

The Biden administration believes this is a mistake that could lead to the overthrow of the Bennett government, but Mahmoud Abbas is determined to get around it.

God. “Anger in the Biden administration over the threats of the PA chairman who gave Israel a one-year ultimatum to withdraw to the 67 lines. Otherwise he will cancel the Oslo Accords and the PLO’s recognition of Israel. To Israel.

Senior Fatah sources say that in light of Mahmoud Abbas ‘sensitive situation on the Palestinian street and the strengthening of Hamas’ power, he can not be portrayed as submitting to American dictates. Of the Palestinians.

The Americans are meanwhile holding internal consultations on how to handle the issue of the consulate, in the coming days Mike Herzog, Israel’s new ambassador to Washington, will take office and it is estimated that the administration will initially try to reach a quiet understanding with Israel on opening the consulate in Jerusalem or postpone the decision.

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