Palestinians killed in an exchange of gunfire with the Border Police in Jenin

by time news

The Border Police updated this morning (Tuesday) that during a controlled arrest operation by undercover officers and fighters in Jenin last night, fire was opened on Border Police forces that responded with live ammunition. No casualties to our forces. According to Palestinian reports, two people were killed in the clashes.

Tonight, YMS forces (the undercover unit) in Judea and Samaria and border guards in the Jenin refugee camp worked to arrest a wanted man in a terrorist activity.

After the requested arrest, as the forces left the house, heavy fire was opened from several directions. The undercover forces operating at the scene responded with live fire at the terrorists. Later in the operation, when the CBS fighters arrived at their vehicles, another terrorist fired at the fighters who responded with accurate fire.

According to the Palestinians killed, he is an Islamic Jihad operative, Abdullah al-Husri, who was previously detained in Israel. The second killed is Shadi Najm.

As the border forces left Jenin, riots broke out in about 150 rioters who threw Molotov cocktails, stones and an improvised grenade at our forces, who responded with live ammunition and means to disperse demonstrations.

Hamas responded to the events in Jenin and the deaths of the terrorists: “The occupation will bear the consequences of its crimes and organized terrorism against our people and youth in the occupied West Bank, emphasizing that the events in Jenin will only increase our adherence to comprehensive resistance until the liberation of Palestine.”

Hamas also called for a Tuesday of revenge that connects to a day of protest declared by the Palestinian prisoners: “We call on the masses for general mobilization; let’s turn Solidarity Day with the prisoners in their ongoing struggle against the prison administration, “To exercise our national rights until liberation.”

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