Palestinians plan to set fire to Joseph’s tomb; Forces will increase

by time news

In recent hours, violent disturbances have developed in Samaria and in Kfar Hawara in particular in a number of locations, which are being handled by the IDF, the Mageb and other security forces.

Additional reinforcements

The Chief of Staff, who after many hours finished assessing the situation at the scene, directed the reinforcement of additional forces to thwart attacks and prevent disturbances, along with strengthening and increasing efforts to capture the terrorists.

Regarding the fear of a conflagration in the southern arena, so far no actual threat by Hamas about firing rockets at Israel has been circulated. On the other hand, in Gaza it is reported that the nightly harassment unit of Hamas and many residents are making their way to the perimeter fence to hold disturbances on the Gaza border.

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In addition, the Palestinians report the death of the 37-year-old Sheikh Sameh Alaktash, who died of his wounds after being shot in the stomach and mortally wounded in the Nablus area. After an initial examination of the incident, it is apparently a shooting by settlers protesting in the area.

Clashes in Nablus

Now on Amman Street in Nablus, near Joseph’s Tomb, the Palestinians started burning tires. The Palestinians planned a march towards Joseph’s tomb with the aim of setting it on fire, but at this stage Palestinian policemen and Palestinian security mechanisms are stopping them from reaching the tomb.

The terrorist organization “The Popular Front” said that it calls on all the Palestinian people in the villages and cities “to come out and confront the crazy Zionist attack on our people”. The organization added that night protection and guard units should be established.

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