Pamela López would be involved in the marriage of goalkeeper Joel Pinto: “She did the same thing with Pamela Franco”

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The athlete’s ex-wife and fan of the popular ‘Peluchín’ made this revelation to him through Instagram. The news surprised more than one | Willax

Interrupting your normal registration, Rodrigo Gonzalez surprised by a statement that attracted powerful attention. While commenting on the case of Pamela Franco, Christian Cueva y Pamela Lopezhe received a message on his Instagram account from a woman who claims to be the goalkeeper’s ex-wife. Joel Pinto who had charges against Pamela López.

According to her version, the woman claimed that she was surprised by how López was treated in this love trio. And the thing is, at the moment, the impact of being a victim of her husband’s infidelity, once again with cumbiambera and former partner of Christian Dominguez.

“I want to read a message that Rodriguista sent you. I am impressed with what you told me. He is giving me information, name and surname and he didn’t tell me I can’t say it. What they don’t stop you from is not allowed,” he stated at the beginning of his message.

Pamela López would be involved in Joel Pinto’s marriage.

After that, she said that López was a bone of contention in her relationship with the goalkeeper, she even specified that this event took place in 2010, that is, 14 years ago, when she was the athlete’s wife. “

We must not make Pamela López the victim, you do not know her past, you have no idea what she did to me in 2010, when I was the wife of the goalkeeper Joel Pinto , ‘Gato’ Pinto,” continued her defense. .

She explained that López behaved as Pamela Franco does to her. In addition, she said that Christian Cueva contacted her to find out if this was true, but she preferred to remain silent. For that reason, she asked not to treat them as a victim, now that the same thing is happening to her.

“He did exactly the same thing to me as Pamela Franco does to me today. And I tell you more, Cueva contacted me at the time so that I could tell her the whole story, but I remained silent, but it does not seem to me that you make her a victim when she is not a victim,” she placed in his protection.

Pamela López would be involved in Joel Pinto's marriage.Pamela López would be involved in Joel Pinto’s marriage.

After reading this entire message, Rodrigo González stated that he is fulfilling to tell this because the person concerned considers what is being said now unfair. “I promise to tell it in public, because you say it looks unfair. Pamela López did that for him in 2010 by entering into his marriage,” he concluded.

After how close allegedly between Christian Cueva and Pamela Franco, the mother of the soccer player’s children, used her social networks to share some biblical messages. These thoughts will reflect your current emotional state after hearing this news. For that reason, you did not hesitate to leave them on his Instagram stories after a long period of silence.

“A good person does good things out of the store of his good heart, and the bad person produces bad things out of the store of his bad heart. What one says comes from what is in the heart,” Pamela López stated at the beginning.

Statement by Pamela López.Statement by Pamela López.

However, he complemented it with more messages about attitudes that can harm us as humans. “Well, from within, from the heart of man, evil thoughts come forth, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, murder, deceit, sensual desires, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. All that horror comes from within; Those are the ones that pollute.”

All these messages would show her disappointment and sadness in a situation like this, where her partner, once again, betrays her, even though she publicly forgave him in tears before.

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