PAMI: what reforms would Patricia Bullrich and Javier Milei implement if they won the elections

by time news

2023-08-17 20:58:00

With PASO 2023 in the rear view mirror and their sights set on the general elections, the teams led by Patricia Bullrich and Javier Milei prepare a plan for the Comprehensive Medical Care Program (PAMI) in case of reaching the presidency by popular vote.

Both alternatives reflect a series of reforms that modify the current operation and seek to make it more “austere” y “efficient“. “The policy of waste and political clientelism has to be stopped,” a Bullrich adviser asserted.

Retirees and pensioners: the devaluation jeopardizes the impact of the new increase

Austerity and greater controls: Patricia Bullrich’s project for PAMI

In dialogue with PROFILE, the person in charge of the health teams of the Together for Change candidate, Enrique Rodriguez Chiantoredetailed the main guidelines of the project to reform the social work for retirees and pensioners based on greater controls y “austerity“in expenses.

The first point focuses on granting the member unrestricted freedom of choice of coverage from a “rule reversal at retirement“. In other words, they propose that the move to PAMI cease to be compulsory.

This unrestricted freedom of choice must apply to those who retire from any of the 291 obras sociales. Of course, the self-employed and those who do not have a social work of origin will pass, “said Rodríguez Chiantore.

And he continued: “The current system is quite unfair and even the Supreme Court of Justice has said that it contravenes the freedom of choice that the social work law itself gives people at the time of retirement. But, in reality, due to these mechanisms restrictive administrative, there are millions of people who cannot choose“.

Secondly, there is in the folder a reconfiguration of the political scheme of leadership of PAMI: “During this government, managers, assistant managers, and political spending have multiplied. We are aligned with Patricia’s proposal that we must give austerity to the public function“.

Within this framework, it is intended to generate “a driving structure that is more consistent, more agile and not as big as the one it has now.” Regarding this element, the interviewee clarified that They do not foresee a general shrinking of the structure, but only of the political leadership.

Regarding the drug Strategy, Bullrich’s force postulates a deepening control and auditing of delivery of them since “PAMI has a great vulnerability in terms of controls and it was seen in these days in which the systems were hacked”.

“A devaluation by itself without other measures does not solve the problem,” said an economist

“Basically all the controls, and particularly those of medicines, are carried out through computer systems and if these are vulnerable, it is a very large source of loss of resources,” said the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Health between 2015 and 2017.

In this regard, the former national official explained that “control means avoiding waste and fraud” y “not deprive anyone of the medicine they need according to the medical prescription“.

And he continued: “You have to do a very strict control. All medicines that have 100% coverage for social reasons, it must be verified that this is the case. It is an audit issue. But the coverages mandated by law and those that the institution has that are more beneficial than the law will be maintained.”

In addition, the magnifying glass will be put on PAMI expenses when considering that there are wasteful policies in the management of the Front of All. The adviser to the former president of the Pro affirmed that the body chaired by Luana Volnovich “is buying medical equipment to give it to friendly provinces and municipalities“.

“There are many millions of dollars and it is a policy that PAMI should not carry out with its own funds, which are for the care of its beneficiaries. The policy of waste and political clientelism must be stopped. The priority has to be placed exclusively on medical care for the beneficiaries,” she stressed.

In addition to emphasizing “family doctors, prevention and first level of care”, he considered it important to balance the “regional disparities” which introduces the health care program.

“The coverage is not homogeneous. There are some provinces where it has interesting coverage and others where it is deficient. Many times it has to do with the provision of benefit networks in each district. We must work to level those that have poorer coverage“, hill.

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The intern at Together for Change for the future of PAMI

At the end of june, Together for Change was shaken by an adjustment plan prepared by the former director of the public entity Sergio Casinotti for an eventual government of the opposition coalition. The roadmap involved a cut in spending on free medicinessocial services and disability.

right away, both Patricia Bullrich as Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, who was still in the race within the Pro, flatly rejected the proposal. The former official slipped that he put together the program at the request of the former president Mauricio Macri.

The truth is that from Bullrich’s side they quickly detached themselves from the project in question through a press release in which they clarified that Casinotti “He is not a member of the technical teams of the Force for Change”.

What Javier Milei said about PAMI

In the electoral platform that he presented Freedom Advances (LLA), all the changes that they would introduce if they landed at the Casa Rosada are specified. Included in a profound reform of the health system, the text explains one of the objectives for the social work for retirees: “Audit the collection of PAMI and proceed to the recategorization of the professionals“.

In the last few hours, the presidential candidate with the most votes in the primaries warned that the state management body “You have to make it more efficient because there is a lot of theft.” “We are going to have to get in to clean. It’s dirt. Everything that the State touches rots, “he declared in television statements. In addition, he indicated that he will search”create competition mechanisms to make it work better“.

To decode the point of the libertarian roadmap, it is necessary to go back to a crossroads that Milei himself had with his contender. Sergio Massaafter the Minister of Economy accused him of planning the closure of the public entity.

“Our program eliminates privilege retirements. Those huge pensions that you politicians charge while the majority of Argentines earn the minimum. We have come to end the job of politics,” the economist replied to Massa via Twitter.

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“Efficientize”: the clues of what Milei will do with the PAMI

At the same time, the ultraliberal candidate gave the floor to Sandra Pettovello, your specialist in issues related to “Human Capital”, the name of the ministry that is created from LLA to unite the portfolios of Health, Labor, Education and Social Development.

The PAMI should be made more efficient by freeing the population and giving them options to choose their financier. That will improve the institution, it should not be an insurance co-opted by the state for political purposes. It is unacceptable to spend almost 1% of GDP to provide a bad service or not to provide it“, indicated the graduate in Family Sciences.

For his part, the benchmark for the health area of ​​the space and former Vice Minister of Health, Eduardo Filgueira Limaexpressed that “the PAMI is used as political booty for its resources and for its social impact“. “Retirees should receive better service. Almost 20% of affiliates have private insurance to get their attention as they wish,” he said on social media.

In this regard, the medical adviser of the Libertad y Progreso Foundation stressed that “Only by being able to freely choose its financier (by members) will PAMI improve its services to be chosen“. In his opinion, the choice is clear: “Power in the hands of the people or in that of the bureaucrats.”

PROFILE tried to contact Pettovello and Filgueira Lima but received no response.


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