“Pandora Papers”: How politicians and celebrities hide their huge fortunes – Politics abroad

by time news

The rich and powerful of this world tremble before these revelations!

Well more than 300 politicians and other celebrities have been in their sights since Sunday evening: A gigantic data leak with more than 11.9 million explosive documents reveals dubious financial machinations – and puts those affected seriously in distress. The source of the revelations are the so-called “Pandora Papers”, whose evaluation included journalists from “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, NDR and WDR.

According to the reports, those affected include 35 incumbent and former heads of state, plus more than 330 other politicians from almost 100 countries. The names of other well-known personalities also appear in the list of revelations. They all have one thing in common: they are said to have stashed assets “with the help of opaque trusts, foundations and letterbox companies”.

As can be seen from the revelations, the illegal machinations are particularly evident in the gigantic real estate owned by those affected.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is said to have snatched a luxury apartment in Monaco (worth almost 3.5 million euros) through an offshore company. Spicy: The owner of the company is said to be a former playmate of Putin (allegedly also the mother of an illegitimate child).

Foto: Vladimir Smirnov / dpa

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According to reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin owns a property in the Principality of MonacoFoto: Vladimir Smirnov / dpa

► The former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie are also said to have used a trick to get a multi-million dollar property in central London: According to the revelations, the Blairs are said to have legally avoided paying stamp tax on the property by simply buying the offshore company who owned the property.

Jordan’s King Abdullah II is said to have used at least around 30 offshore companies in tax havens to buy 14 luxury properties in the USA and Great Britain, according to the “Pandora Papers”.

The President of Cyprus, Nikos Anastasiadis, was therefore active in the offshore business himself with a law firm that is now run by his daughters.

► The Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis is said to have bought an estate in France for 15 million euros in a non-transparent way. The purchase price flowed “via mailbox companies in Washington, Monaco and the British Virgin Islands to France”, reports the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. The case goes back to the year 2009 and thus to the time before the multi-billionaire entered politics. Nevertheless, Babi’s revelations could do serious damage: Parliament’s elections are due in his country on October 8th and 9th.

Für Tschechiens Ministerpräsidenten Andrej Babis kommen die Enthüllungen zum denkbar ungünstigsten ZeitpunktPhoto: Petr David Josek/AP

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/fuer-tschechiens-ministerpraesidents-andrej-babis-kommen-die-enthuellungen-zum-denkbar-unguenststen-z-dd9da6a1d1204e028281eb9ebd51191a-77862896/Bild/ 6.bild.jpg “/>

For Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, the revelations come at the worst possible timePhoto: Petr David Josek/AP

The head of government rejected the allegations on Sunday evening: it was clear that he had done nothing illegal or bad, Babis told the CTK news agency.

He spoke of an attempt to “pollute him and thus influence the Czech parliamentary elections”. In the past, Babis had often portrayed himself as a fighter against corruption. According to a survey on behalf of the broadcaster “CNN Prima News”, the populist ANO von Babis would be the strongest force in the upcoming parliamentary election with 27.3 percent of the vote.

Claudia Schiffer, Shakira and Ringo Starr are also on the list

Many celebrities such as the German model Claudia Schiffer, ex-Beatle Ringo Starr and pop star Shakira also appeared in the research. Schiffer and Shakira pointed out according to “SZ” that they had adhered to all laws and regulations. Ringo Starr did not respond to a request from journalists.

Mit dem Topmodel Claudia Schiffer taucht auch der Name eines deutschen Weltstars in den Papers aufFoto: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/mit-dem-topmodel-claudia-schiffer-taucht-auch-der-name-eines-deutschen-weltstars-in-den-papers- auf-77f6433eb33e41c985e0e5d44c78c1af-77862904 / image / 6.image.jpg “/>

With the top model Claudia Schiffer, the name of a German world star also appears in the papersFoto: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress

The International Consortium for Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) claims that the documents were leaked from an anonymous source. The secret documents of 14 financial service providers operating in tax havens will reach until 2021, as it was said.

The “Pandora Papers” are the biggest data leak to date on business in tax havens. The confidential documents also include the names of prominent top athletes and company directors.

According to the information, journalists from 150 media organizations from 117 countries were involved in the research. The partner media included the “Washington Post”, the “Guardian”, the “Indian Express”, “Le Monde” and “Aftenposten”.

Five and a half years ago, the Panama Papers caused a stir. The revelations put politicians, business people and celebrities under pressure. The Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif lost his position on charges of corruption. In Malta there were new elections in June 2017 because of the “Panama Papers”, in Iceland the publication led to the resignation of Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson.

The mountain of data leaked to the international media showed large flows of money to Panama, where thousands of letterbox companies are located. Prosecutors around the world checked whether this was also a criminal offense. The 11.5 million files included e-mails, documents and account statements for 214,000 companies, primarily in the Caribbean. The names of 140 politicians or politicians confidants appeared.


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