Pangal and Luis’ fight in Win or Serve? – 2024-07-11 17:32:54

by times news cr

2024-07-11 17:32:54

The Chilean could not bear the Argentine’s shouts, until he finally took the bait and had to be restrained by production and his teammates.

Luis Mateucci y Pangal Andrade They had a fight in Win or Serve? It got to the point that the production itself had to intervene to prevent things from getting any worse.

It all started on the day of revenge, where those who were Servants became Lords and vice versa. From that minute on, the Argentine did not hesitate to test his rival’s patience.

First, he went to disturb him while he was having breakfast reproaching him for saying that his only friend in the house was Rai, to the detriment of Austin. Later, Facundo threw an egg on the kitchen floor and Luis went to demand that Pangal would clean it up.

You are being the shadow of this clown, you are falling into his game. “Here’s an egg, there’s a s…”, said Andrade, who cleaned it up anyway.

Finally, everything exploded when the members of Resistencia were invited by Amanda to a foam party in the poolwhere the Sovereigns had to serve them.

While Pangal and his team were preparing food for the Lords, Luis and the rest of his team invented a song to make fun of the Chilean, whom They baptized him as “Quico” in Win or Serve?

As Luis’s taunts continued, the athlete began to lose his patience little by little. “I can’t stand myself, I know myself. If you keep screaming, they’re going to have to catch me, because I’m going over there.. And he’s calling me. I have little patience. If they continue, I’m going to leave,” she confessed to Amanda.

For his part, Luis admitted to his team that he wants to make Pangal lose control.
The only way to beat Pangal is for him to beat me. “Do you want to win the reality show? You depend on me. We can’t win,” he told them, and increased the provocations.

“Come and hit me if you have the balls! If you’re a man, come!” he shouted.

When Amanda scolded “Resistance” for making fun of Pangal, Luis responded, unexpectedly, by crying.

“Let’s not victimize a person who tells me everythingHe calls me a charlatan, he calls me Argentine, a little man, two-faced“Don’t tell me you should sit down because they call you Quico. You don’t deserve anything, you think I’m going to feel belittled for being Argentine!” lamented Mateucci.

Pangal, now without patience, approached the pool and, after a final provocation from Luis, finally pounced on the trans-Andean, being held by all in Win or Serve?

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