“Paola Frizziero: From Reality TV Star to Embracing Faith and Family”[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEcZP_goqdo[/embed]

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            <p>Paola Frizziero appears smiling and completely changed in appearance compared to the image we had of her during the 2006/2008 period on Uomini e Donne: “The Madonna took me by the hair and saved me from vanity, selfishness, and depression.” Today she is married to her husband Francesco and is a mother, but she adds: “I found true love with Jesus after many wrong relationships.”</p>


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        <div class="mm"> <figure class="mm__container"><img src="https://staticfanpage.akamaized.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2024/08/paola-frizziero-oggi-1723457481596-1200x675.jpg" class="fp_img js-seedtag-img lb__media-image" alt="Image" width="1200" height="675"/></figure> </div>
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  <p><strong>Paola Frizziero</strong> appears smiling and completely changed in appearance compared to the image we had of her during the <strong>2006/2008 period on U&D</strong>. "<em>I came to Medjugorje in 2008, more than 40 times</em>", she says looking into the camera of a faithful follower closely associated with the famous religious destination. "<em>I participated in a television program on Channel 5 with Maria De Filippi, after graduation I wanted to find love and a boyfriend. I gained notoriety, people recognized me in the streets</em>", explains the Neapolitan girl who has now become a woman with different convictions and desires. <a href="https://gossip.fanpage.it/paola-frizziero-incinta-con-mio-marito-francesco-aspettiamo-un-maschio-si-chiamera-gennaro-maria/" data-anact="corpo-articolo" target="_self">Married to Francesco and a mother</a>, she seems light years away from the <strong>protagonist of Uomini e Donne</strong>, who was in love with <strong>Salvatore Angelucci</strong> at first and later abandoned at the final choice by <strong>Carmine Fummo</strong>.</p>
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 <h2>Paola Frizziero today: "I found true love with Jesus"</h2> 
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<p>"<em>I found true love with Jesus after many wrong relationships, <strong>I was searching for emotional dependencies</strong>, because I am still emotionally fragile</em>", she explains, "<em>With Jesus, I learned that true love is feeling free, this was the real revolution, the one that allowed me to see my husband and say yes to him. Being a practicing Catholic is for me like getting married every day to the boyfriend you love the most, it’s a joy</em>".</p>
 <p><iframe class="lazyjs" data-type="ym-gallery" data-src="https://youmedia.fanpage.it/embed/gallery/ab/5cc86adae4b052eefd37a77a?ref=embed_fp" width="100%" height="500px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <h2>After Uomini e Donne: "I asked God to make me feel useful"</h2> <p>Paola Frizziero tries to explain the moment when, after Uomini e Donne, she felt the inner calling that changed her life: "<em><strong>I was earning a lot, doing events, and at that moment I felt strongly in my heart that I had to leave.</strong> I wondered why that call was coming to me, then I trusted and said 'may His will be done' and God gave me 300 times more. He gave me a wonderful family and also a wonderful job; today I teach, <strong>that 'may His will be done' at first scared me,</strong> then it became, well, how to say…". "I knew Lourdes, I was sad and asking the Lord to make me feel useful. There I felt the need to come to Medjugorje to learn to open my heart,"</em> and it is in this sense of usefulness that she places the definitive change of direction, which began with a special encounter.</p>

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        <span class="ra__inner-title">Gemma Galgani would have found a new love, the future of the lady on Uomini e Donne</span>

 <p></p> <h2>The meeting with Luciano, a boy suffering from ALS</h2> <p>The detailed account of her journey in discovering faith continues with the description of her meeting with Luciano, a boy suffering from ALS who brought her closer to a prayer group: "<em>Right on the street, a lady named Tina, who is no longer here, stopped me and introduced me to her son Luciano, also suffering from ALS, who is also no longer here today. Luciano wanted to introduce me to a prayer group in Pianura, where I live in Naples. <strong>Thanks to them I left that superficial life, which didn’t make me happy, even though I had a lot of money at just 25 years old.</strong> Thanks to God and Luciano, I began this prayer journey; I became curious and in 2008 went to Medjugorje for the first time, where the Madonna implanted in my heart everything I needed"</em>.</p>
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<p>Paola Frizziero explains that she also lost her father to ALS, just ten years after the meeting that had shown her an entirely unexplored part of herself: "<em><strong>I also lost my father to ALS</strong> ten years after meeting Luciano (the boy who was sick, ed). He was a believer but not a practitioner, and thanks to the call I received, he confessed before he died and said he was happy at that moment</em>".</p> <h2>The healing from "vanity, sadness, and depression"</h2> <p>"<em>The Madonna took me by the hair, I received the grace of liberation and healing: from my selfishness, from sadness, and from my depression</em>", she continues serenely, smiling and at peace, "<em>the healing even from those things that were important, <strong>the clothes I loved for vanity, I understood that they were not truly important,</strong> but the beauty of the heart is what matters most. Thanks to God, <strong>I also met a husband who doesn’t care about all this; he looks inside me</strong></em>".</p> <div class="mm"> <figure class="mm__container"><img loading="lazy" srcset="https://staticfanpage.akamaized.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2024/08/Screenshot-2024-08-12-alle-12.12.31.jpg 681w, https://staticfanpage.akamaized.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2024/08/Screenshot-2024-08-12-alle-12.12.31-300x215.jpg 300w" src="https://staticfanpage.akamaized.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2024/08/Screenshot-2024-08-12-alle-12.12.31.jpg" sizes="(max-width: 767px) 100vw, (max-width: 990px) 80vw, (max-width: 1440px) 500px, 570px" class="fp_img lb__media-image" alt="With Salvatore Angelucci on Uomini e Donne" width="681" height="488"/></figure> <p>With Salvatore Angelucci on Uomini e Donne</p> </div> <p>Today, Paola Frizziero leads a completely different life, far from the limelight and the lights of nightclubs: "<em>Living for the essentials, in simplicity, without running anymore, today I live day by day. And I am less angry; I manage this emotion that I absorbed in my family better, <strong>Medjugorje has healed my more irritable side</strong></em><strong>"</strong>. She concludes: "<em>Medjugorje is everything, it is life. I cannot live without it. Without the Rosary prayer, you cannot live daily life. I learned to pray; I didn’t even know what it was. With my husband, I pray, and we rediscover all the spirit that is here</em>".</p>          

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