Paolo D’Achille is the new president of the Accademia della Crusca

by time news

2023-04-28 16:55:16

Claudio Marazzini, at the end of the three mandates envisaged by the Statute, left the position of president of the Accademia della Crusca which he had held since 2014 and was appointed honorary president. Paolo D’Achille was elected as the new president of the Academy, up to now vice president, who is also the first Roman to hold this role at the top of the secular Florentine institution called to guard the ‘treasure’ of the Italian language of Dante, Francesca Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio. The new Governing Council of the Academy is now composed as follows: Paolo D’Achille (president), Rita Librandi (ice-president), Annalisa Nesi (academic secretary), Federigo Bambi and Rosario Coluccia (advisers).

Paolo D’Achille (Rome 1955) – member of the Crusca since 2011, full academic since September 2013, member of the Governing Council since May 2017 and vice-president since June 2022 – is full professor of Italian Linguistics at the Roma Tre University. He was president of the International Society of Italian Linguistics and Philology (Silfi), secretary of the Association for the History of the Italian Language (ASLI), of which he later coordinated the School Section, member of the Executive Committee of the Society of Italian Linguistics ( sli). He is a member of the steering committee of numerous scientific journals.

Historian of the Italian language, D’Achille has dealt with the relationship between speech and writing, semi-cultured production, the language of melodrama, the scripts exposed, various problems of morphology, syntax and lexicon. He also studied various aspects of contemporary Italian, dealing with neologisms, regional varieties of Italian, youth language, onomastics, Pasolini’s linguistic ideas. He has also conducted research on the Roman and Lazio linguistic situation from the Middle Ages to the modern age and on the Roman dialect from the 19th century to today. Since 2015 he has been responsible for the Academy’s linguistic consultancy service and director of the periodical “La Crusca per voi”.

“I thank the colleagues for the esteem and trust shown in me – declared the new president Paolo D’Achille – and in particular the honorary presidents Claudio Marazzini, Nicoletta Maraschio and Francesco Sabatini, who directed the activity of the Crusca towards objectives in step with the changing times and with the evolution of national linguistic sensitivity, making it known also to the general public and to the world of schools”.

“I hope that in the next few years the Accademia della Crusca – added D’Achille – will continue on the same path: carry on the many activities already underway; start new research projects and new initiatives dedicated to the Italian of yesterday and today ( also in cooperation with other national and international institutions and research centres); to strengthen, in a certainly not easy historical moment, its role as an essential point of reference for what concerns the Italian language; to increase higher education in the linguistic field, the promotion and dissemination of the Italian language, both in Italy and abroad; respond to requests from schools, institutions and society”.

(by Paolo Martini)

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