Papa: Identify the seeds God has planted in the hearts of others!

by time news

Pope Francis’ Twitter message.

Joey Kariveli, Vatican City

The Pope exhorts that the attitude of receptivity is an essential inner readiness for evangelization.

This exhortation of Pope Francis is contained in a Twitter message on Saturday the 29th (29/10/22) linked to the hashtag “MissionaryOctober” (#MissionaryOctober).

Here’s what Papa wrote on Twitter:

“Reception is the inner readiness necessary for evangelization: to sow the Good News in the soil of the other’s existence by learning to recognize and receive the seeds that God planted in the other’s heart before our entry into the scene. #PreshitaOctober”.

With more than 4 crore Twitter followers in different languages, Papa’s Twitter messages are available in 9 languages: Standard, Arabic, Latin, German, Italian, English, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, French.

EN: Welcoming is the interior disposition necessary for evangelization: sowing the good news in the soil of the existence of the other, learning to recognize and welcome the seeds that God has already placed in his heart, before our arrival. #OctoberMissionary

EN: Acceptance is the interior disposition essential for evangelization: to sow the good news in the soil of the lives of others, learning to recognize and appreciate the seeds that God already planted in their hearts before we came on the scene. #MissionaryOctober

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