papaya seed tea

by time news

Loved by many, hated by others, papaya has been shown to be beneficial for our body, especially for the digestive system, but did you know that its seeds are also beneficial for us? We tell you more about the papaya seed tea: what are its benefits and how to prepare it.

Photo: iStock

What benefits does papaya seed tea have?

There are various studies that show that papaya seeds have a good impact on health, for example, a study published by the United States National Library of Medicine found that papaya seeds are a natural source of antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect the skin against free radicals, preventing premature aging and maintaining the health of the skin and organs.

Just as the fruit itself is known for its high amounts of fiber, papaya seeds are not far behind, they are also a good source of fiber, so their consumption benefits people who suffer from constipation.

As it is a natural antiparasitic, papaya seeds can help protect the intestinal flora from parasites that cause gastrointestinal diseases.

In fact, a study published in the United States National Library of Medicine found that papaya seeds indeed have anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties, thus strengthening the digestive system and protecting it from these organisms.

Even in the same study already mentioned, it was found that the extract of these seeds can be used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids and enlarged liver and spleen.

In addition, the properties of the papaya seed include benefits for the kidneys and to help control diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

As you can see, papaya seed tea has benefits for your health, now we will tell you how it is made.

Photo: iStock

How do you drink papaya seed tea?

Although you can eat the seeds raw or cooked, we teach you how to prepare the papaya seed tea so you can see what are its benefits and how to prepare it.

To prepare this tea you will need:

  • 10 papaya seeds, preferably previously dried. To dry them you must wash them properly and remove moisture with absorbent paper. Later you place in a container and let it dry in the sun for several hours)
  • 1 cup of water
  • Honey or drops of lemon (these ingredients are optional and to the taste of each person)

Now we tell you how you should do the preparation:

  • Put the water in a container until it boils
  • Submerge the papaya seeds in the boiling water and let them steep for 5 minutes
  • Pass the infusion through a strainer and serve in your favorite cup. Add honey as a sweetener to taste and if you want an acid touch, add a few drops of lemon.

Photo: iStock

How many days do you take the papaya seed?

You can take this infusion every day, preferably on an empty stomach, however if you experience any discomfort such as inflammation or heaviness, we suggest discontinuing its use.

Now that we tell you about the papaya seed tea: what are its benefits and how to prepare ityou can add this drink to your daily diet to improve your digestive health.

As always, we remind you that if you have a chronic condition or are allergic to papaya components, suspend or limit the consumption of papaya seed tea.

In the same way, we remind you that in case of any discomfort derived from the consumption of this drink, go immediately to a specialized medical examination to rule out major problems.

If you want to know more about the benefits not only of the seeds but of adding papaya to your daily diet, we share this video with you:

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