Paper packaging guarantees 100% recycling

by time news

2023-07-17 17:31:21

Il 100% recyclable packaging in the restaurants McDonald’s Italia, flanked by new areas for the valorisation of waste in the dining room and in the dehors to facilitate separate collection. The goal was achieved thanks to the agreement between the catering group, comedian (National consortium for the recovery and recycling of cellulose-based packaging) and the Seda group, a Neapolitan multinational specialized in disposable paper packaging. The latter, with offices in Europe and North America, is among the main global operators in the food service and food industry, with around 100 million consumers worldwide who use its products every day. We talked about it with Antonio D’Amatopresident of the group, as well as of Eppa (European Paper Packaging Alliance).

How did the project with McDonald’s come about?

“From the common commitment to the sustainability and recyclability of food packaging, which has led to the choice to use only single-use paper packaging. An important project because it represents a supply chain commitment that not only allows more responsible management of the waste life cycle, but above all allows millions of consumers to be involved in a journey through the values ​​and best practices of sustainability. Entirely recycling the paper packaging used in restaurants reduces the environmental impact and involves consumers in the circular economy process”.

With what benefits?

“I’ll give you an example. The 100% recycling rate of paper packaging results in a 311-fold saving in water consumption compared to reusable tableware. Thus avoiding a significant and unnecessary increase in water stress which is today one of the absolute priorities of the planet. The environmental impact analysis is based on the latest scientific studies and certified life cycle analysis (LCA), conducted by some of the most renowned independent research institutes. The studies highlight the risks associated with the imposition of reusable packaging in the food and hospitality sectors, including substantial increases not only in water consumption, but also in CO2 emissions by almost three times”.

However the European Commission, through the revision of the Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste (Ppwr), is going in a different direction….

“Since the first directive on packaging 30 years ago, thanks to the close collaboration between European institutions, member states and industry, the most advanced circular economy system in the world has been created, which has made it possible to combine economic growth and environmental sustainability. The community regulations that followed defined recycling targets, leaving the member states and companies free to define the best solutions for achieving them in full technological neutrality. The results recently published by the European Commission demonstrate that, for almost all materials, the recycling rates have been achieved and even exceeded for paper and cardboard packaging. Today, with the current proposal for a regulation presented by the Commission, we are facing a 180-degree reversal, with the provision of specific prohibitions and interventions that have a very penalizing impact on the supply chains not only of packaging, but above all on the agri-food sector, proposing that single-use packaging be replaced by the administration of bulk food, unpackaged or through reusable packaging. This also with serious risks for consumer health and for food safety”.

Antonio D’Amato, president of the Seda Group

Going back to the collaborative project, what’s cooking?

“We work to have an ever greater environmental performance of our products. We protect the integrity of food, the health of those who consume it and safeguard the planet, combining innovation of materials, processes and products with sustainability. The activity with McDonald’s Italia is a best practice that we are exporting to other European countries. The involvement of local consumer associations, as we have done in Italy with the partnership with Altroconsumo, will be a fundamental step to guarantee an ever greater circularity of materials through their correct recycling”.

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