Papillomavirus: no, the HPV vaccine is not “really safe”

by time news

2023-09-18 17:45:00

TRIBUNE/ANALYSIS – Published on September 14 in West France, an article by Philippe Richard claims to deny the increase in cervical cancer in Australia since school vaccination with Gardasil. A phenomenon which is nevertheless very real, reported and documented in our book Vaccine hysteria: Gardasil and cancer, a paradox (Fauves edition, May 2023) (1). Yes, the incidence of cervical cancer has increased since Gardasil vaccination!

I would first like to thank the journalist Philippe Richard for having praised our foresight during the health crisis, by designating us – my wife and myself – as the “anti-vax and anti-mask figures of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

Indeed, our early positions regarding the ineffectiveness of so-called anti-Covid-19 injections and masks became evident with:

Contaminated vaccinated people around each of us; Numerous alarming side effects (including sudden deaths in young athletes); An inability at the global level to reduce mortality linked to SARS-CoV-2 (on the contrary, an increase was noted during the twenty months following the first vaccinations. The more a population is vaccinated, the higher it is, as in the United States or Europe. The opposite is observed in Africa or India, with low vaccination rates). Masks scientifically proven to be ineffective against Covid with the demonstration of numerous studies – including randomized trials – published on the subject (2). Another element: the contamination curves during periods of compulsory masks, compared to those during periods without obligation, do not demonstrate the effectiveness of this “barrier measure”.
Indisputable figures

In the same way, the increase in cervical cancers since Gardasil vaccination is indisputable. This overall increase is in fact reported by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (Australian Institute of Health and WelfareAIHW) official health agency of that country and can be consulted ici.

It specifies the following:

In 2006, the number of new invasive cervical cancers was 726 new cases with ASR (3) of 6.8. In 2011, there were 801 new cases in total, with an ASR of 6.9. In 2019 a total of 945 new cases were recorded, with an ASR of 7.2. The AIHW therefore records that for the entire population an increase in ASR of 4% (6.9 vs 7.2) between the start date of school vaccinations and 2019 (latest confirmed rate).

Like Mr. Richard of West France cannot doubt the reality of these reported facts, he invents causes demonstrating his ignorance (willful?) or his poor understanding of the meaning of the terms used by the AIHW in particular the ASR (Age Standardized Rates): the (Australian) standardized rate according to age.

He thus claims that “the increase in the number of these cancers” East “linked to other factors, including increases in population and life expectancy.”

But the ASR is precisely calculated to erase the role of variations in the population (the ASR is calculated for 100,000 women) and that of possible aging of the latter (it is standardized by age, reduced to an Australian population ” kind”).

Is Philippe Richard ignorant of the basics of epidemiology and the terms used in cancer registries or is he deliberately misleading his readers?

Granting the benefit of the doubt to a non-doctor, we can favor the first hypothesis, that of his ignorance. We can therefore hope that these clarifications – which he could have easily obtained orally if he had deemed it useful to contact me before implicating me (as expressed in the Munich charter relating to journalistic ethics) ) – will prevent him from making such a blunder in the future.

Let us clarify and cite in passing the Charter of Professional Ethics for Journalists, presented and kept up to date by the National Union of Journalists (1918/38/2011) :

Any journalist “holds critical thinking, truthfulness, accuracy, integrity, fairness, impartiality, as the pillars of journalistic action; holds the accusation without proof, the intention to harm, the alteration of documents, distortion of facts, misappropriation of images, lies, manipulation, censorship and self-censorship, non-verification of facts, for the most serious professional abuses; Exercise the greatest vigilance before disseminating information wherever it comes from; Has a right of continuation, which is also a duty, on the information it disseminates and ensures that any information disseminated that proves to be inaccurate is quickly corrected.”

We can therefore hope that he will endeavor to quickly rectify his erroneous accusations which undermine my credibility.

Increased risk of invasive cancer

Perhaps he will also be keen to point out to his readers that, since the school vaccination campaign, the risk of invasive cancer has increased by 15% (from 7.9 in 2006 to 9.1 in 2019) in the group of most vaccinated Australian women (25-34 year olds).

And that on the contrary it has decreased by 20% (from 10.6 in 2006 to 8.8 in 2019) among older women (those over 50) who have escaped vaccination.

In total, in Australia, the significant increase in incidence in the most vaccinated group is counterbalanced by the clear decrease among unvaccinated over 50s, resulting in an overall incidence (0-85 years) slightly increasing.

It could also be recalled that similar findings were made in Great Britain, where the incidence of invasive cancers increased by 37% in the most vaccinated group (25-34 years) while it decreased by 16% among 35 -49 years, 34% among 50-64 year olds, 58% among 65-79 year olds and 48% among over 80 year olds as shown by these curves published by the British Office for Cancer Research that you can consult ici.

Or in Sweden where the incidence of invasive cervical cancer has increased by more than 20% (from 8.5/100,000 to 10/100,000) since vaccination, as shown by this published curve ici.

Finally when the journalist from West France affirm that “Australia and Sweden, also very committed, are now seeing a reduction in the number of precancerous lesions during screening”he seems to ignore that the lesions to which he refers are only dysplasias (non-cancerous anomalies reactive to infections) which disappear spontaneously in more than 90% of cases. Infections like dysplasia are not cancers!

To judge the effectiveness of an anti-cancer measure, we must base ourselves on proven facts, published by authors independent of those who make a living from implementing the measure.

To estimate the anti-cancer impact of Gardasil, we must not rely on the propaganda of employees of vaccine manufacturers, vaccination organizations or doctors too closely linked to these pharmaceutical companies but consult the official cancer registers.

17 years after the marketing of Gardasil, these registers show, in all the countries which have introduced school vaccination, an increase in the incidence of invasive cancers in the most vaccinated age groups.

Caution and effective actions

In the current state of science, it is safer not to be vaccinated with Gardasil than to be! To avoid cervical cancer, let’s remember the actions that have demonstrated their effectiveness:

Get screened with the Papanicolaou cytology test every 3 years from the age of 25; (this screening has reduced the incidence of invasive cervical cancer from 30% to 66% in all countries which have made it general)
Use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including AIDS, the leading factor in the occurrence and mortality of cervical cancer. Avoid other behaviors statistically linked to the occurrence of cervical cancer: do not smoke, do not start your sex life too early, do not have multiple sexual partners.

*Gérard Delépine, cancer surgeon and graduate in medical statistics.

Notes :


Vaccine hysteria: Gardasil and cancer, a paradox (Fauves edition, May 2023)


Bundgaard H, Bundgaard JS, Raaschou-Pedersen DET, von Buchwald C, Todsen T, Norsk JB, Pries-Heje MM, Vissing CR, Nielsen PB, Winsløw UC, Fogh K, Hasselbalch R, Kristensen JH, Ringgaard A, Porsborg Andersen M , Goecke NB, Trebbien R, Skovgaard K, Benfield T, Ullum H, Torp-Pedersen C, Iversen K. Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers : A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2021 Mar;174(3):335-343. doi: 10.7326/M20-6817. Epub 2020 Nov 18. PMID: 33205991; PMCID: PMC7707213. Schauer SG, Naylor JF, April MD, Carius BM, Hudson IL. Analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 mask mandate on the consumption of hospital resources and mortality at the county level. South Med J. 2021 septembre;114(9):597-602. doi : 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000001294. PMID : 34480194 ; PMCID: PMC8395971. Sasser P, McGuine TA, Haraldsdottir K, Biese KM, Goodavish L, Stevens B, Watson AM. Reported COVID-19 Incidence in Wisconsin High School Athletes in Fall 2020. J Athl Train. 2022 Jan 1;57(1):59-64. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0185.21. PMID: 34129671; PMCID: PMC8775282. Denis Rancourt, Face masks, lies, damn lies, and public health officials : A growing body of evidence

(3) Age-standardised rates, rates standardized by age. The ASR is a weighted average of rates by age. The weights are taken from the distribution of a “typical” population. The TSA is expressed per 100,000.

#Papillomavirus #HPV #vaccine #safe

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