
by time news

2023-08-14 00:32:09

Thirteen years ago, when I needed to study some marketing, I had contacts with several American experts who, in addition to teaching the most successful strategies and techniques, shared their way of life and -what is most interesting for curious people- their way of thinking. and to see the world. North Americans have a very bad press and many Spaniards like to consider them half stupid and illiterate. But there is everything, like in an apothecary. Not in vain is it the country with the most Nobel prizes, tripling the second. What fascinated me about those professors is that even then -2010- they were talking about a paradigm shift that in Spain we are beginning to address now. The great renunciation, that surprising phenomenon that was also born there but spreads unabated across half the planet, has been strengthened by the pandemic, but it comes from behind. In those years, many Yankees were already considering teleworking, the idea of ​​digital nomadism, which to us, then, seemed like dangerous madness. And those who rented their apartment in San Francisco -for example- to settle in a charming Mexican coastal town and live well with rent at dollar prices and some sporadic jobs online were not exceptional. Today, national employers put their hands to their heads because many young employees leave. They don’t like the constraining band of a fixed schedule, of slavery five days a week, of following orders, of accepting in exchange a salary that doesn’t help you to organize your life as you wish. All of this makes up the paradigm of the 20th century, that of my parents and mine. Our children no longer commune with that spirit of sacrifice. They want other freedoms, but they will have to conquer them.


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