Paraguay: let’s take to the streets to stop the looting plans of the new government

by time news

2023-08-18 17:08:50

The new Colorado Chartist government is being installed with the tembiguai of Santiago Peña at its head. This new government, before taking office, has put into development the sanction of a series of new laws that merge Ministries and whose objectives are to advance in this regard with various institutions to concentrate political power and thus facilitate collection and looting. Among its plans, one that acquires a strategic nature is that of the Superintendence of Retirements and Pensions.

The Peña government, due to the configuration of Congress, has enough votes to overwhelm everything in its path as did its boss, the capo/mafioso Horacio Cartes. In this sense, an extraordinary session of the Chamber of Senators is planned for this Monday, August 14, to approve the creation of the Ministry of Economy (which involves the merger of different state agencies) and, on the other hand, also give half a sanction to the Retirement and Pension Superintendency project.

The superintendence project is one of the central plans of the new government, since it implies control over all retirement and pension funds, but fundamentally they are interested in the Social Welfare Institute (IPS), which has a technical reserve of more than 2,300 million of dollars.

The objective of the project is not reduced to the naive discourse that it is only intended to exercise strict control over the use of funds, but fundamentally to regulate the set of Savings Banks in such a way as to align them with the guidelines of the Superintendency, which will have powers unlimited and whose present and future provisions will automatically repeal all provisions contrary to its guidelines.

In other words, they will be able to mutate the entire current legal superstructure and change the solidarity distribution system and move towards an individual capitalization system to do enormous business, as happened in Chile with the disastrous AFPs.

This project, in addition to being unconstitutional due to its objectives, displaces other institutions that should oversee the social security system, such as the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, and places its regime under the dependence of a totally foreign to social security, such as the Central Bank of Paraguay, thus disappearing tripartism as a model.

The final objective of this project is to convert retirement funds into investment funds for speculative businesses (purchase of bonds, titles and other credit instruments). In other words, they want to use our contributions for financial scams and make deals, putting our money at risk.

To give the project a “democratic” air, they conceive of an “Advisory Council” as a body that would give participation to a representative of the workers and employers. On the one hand, they do not even take retirees into account, but, above all, the nature of said body would not go beyond being a merely deliberative sphere without any binding decision.

This Monday we must take to the streets the whole of the working class in the broadest unity of action to fight against the plans of looting and hunger that the new government has.

Down the looting plans of the Chartist government of Santiago Peña!

Down with the Superintendency project!

Repeal the laws that merged the Ministries and down with all those projects that threaten new mergers!

Long live the struggle of the working class!

National Directorate of the Workers’ Party

Taken from: 08/11/2023

#Paraguay #lets #streets #stop #looting #plans #government

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