Parcoursup: 100,000 places remain vacant, according to Minister Sylvie Retailleau

by time news

94,000 aspiring students are still waiting for an answer from Parcoursup? They can choose from “100,000 training places still vacant”, assures the Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau this Sunday.

Four years after the launch of the platform for access to higher education, for graduates of 2018, Parcoursup still tears sweats of anxiety from young post-baccalaureate students and their parents. Sylvie Retailleau, she sees “real progress”: “Parcoursup is continuously improving, year after year”, she believes with the JDD. “Today, at the end of the main phase, just over nine out of ten high school students have received at least one admission offer. The process was smoother. And there was less waiting for the candidates than last year”.

The Snesup-FSU, the majority union among teachers, has nevertheless denounced the fact that 94,197 candidates have not received any admission offers – nearly 4,000 more than last year -, out of the 840,727 registered on the board. official board. They would all have, according to the ministry, received a letter; and among them, all high school and reorientation students would have been called. “Some have enrolled in training outside Parcoursup, others have found a job, go abroad or engage in civic service. It is not easy to know how many are still pending, ”assures the minister.

“Just over 5,800 different formations”

Candidates who in the complementary phase have obtained nothing have until Monday, July 18 to prioritize their wishes on Parcoursup. As of Tuesday, establishments that have places available will be able to automatically send them admission offers. They will only have 48 hours to accept because the formations lower in the order of the choices will be deleted.

But, pleads the Minister, it is not as if they had to opt for training at a discount. Until mid-September, they can add new wishes: “candidates can choose from 100,000 training places still vacant, in just over 5,800 different training courses,” replies the minister. These places are located “both in the new Accès Santé licenses (62 LAS still have places), in law, economics-management or literature licenses, and in selective training such as preparatory classes, which do not no longer full everywhere, in BTS or BUT, ”she defends.

Asked about possible improvements to the platform, the Minister felt that it was necessary “above all to improve the orientation of students. There has already been a lot of work done. There has never been so much information on training as on the Parcoursup platform. Now we need to make it all more accessible. We are working on it with my colleague Pap Ndiaye”, the Minister of National Education.

As for creating new places at university at the start of the school year, Sylvie Retailleau maintains that “the government has already created 84,000 places in higher education in 5 years” and will “continue this effort”.

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