Paris 2024 Olympic Games: 30 minutes of physical activity per day at school, good but can do better

by time news

2023-12-07 16:49:47

Do your children get 30 minutes of physical activity a day? Since September 2022, the Ministry of National Education has put in place, at the initiative of the Organizing Committee for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games (Cojo), a system so that each student in primary school can benefit from 30 minutes of daily physical activity (PDA) during school time as part of the “Move+” strategy. This Thursday, a first study takes stock of the implementation of this system at the Créteil academy.

Martine Duclos, president of the Scientific Committee of the National Observatory of Physical Activity and Sedentary Life (Onaps), in charge of the study, is satisfied with the “very encouraging” first results from Le Parisien. “The best results concern children. The perceived effects on their well-being, their attitude in class, their motivation to do sport are very positive,” explains the sports doctor.

“Many teachers do not understand the text”

In detail, 94% of teachers concerned by the system mentioned an improvement in the well-being of students, 91% a reduction in their sedentary lifestyle, and 82% a better commitment of young people to practice sports outside of school. For their part, teachers also indicate beneficial effects on their profession with an enrichment of teaching practices for 69% of them, and also an improvement in their well-being (62%).

However, no quantitative indicator exists in the study to demonstrate any reduction in body mass index or improvement in physical abilities in the children concerned.

Apart from these positive figures from an external point of view, the system still remains marginal in France. “It has theoretically been widespread throughout France since the start of the 2022 school year, but in reality, this is not the case at all,” warns Martine Duclos. Even in the Créteil academy, the latter is only deployed by 56% of teachers who responded to the questionnaire, for an average duration of around 26 minutes and only 36% of them were trained in the “30” system. minutes of APQ”.

“The first obstacle is that many teachers do not understand the text. Some believed that it was necessary to go to a sports hall outside the school, whereas the classroom could suffice. We need to give them more examples,” regrets the president of the Onaps Scientific Committee. Other obstacles are also targeted by the study. 80% of teachers who do without the system cite a lack of time. 44% of them also point to a lack of resources.

However, Martine Duclos, sports doctor, continues to push for these 30 minutes of daily activity. “You have to believe in this system. We can further develop this practice before the Games, then use Paris 2024 to stimulate it even more. It is not a complicated device to set up. It does not require any financing. If I were optimistic, I would say that all children could benefit from 30 minutes of physical activity in primary school by the start of the next school year! »

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