Paris 2024 Olympic Games: in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, autonomous Urbanloop capsules attract passengers

by time news

August 10, ​2024, 9:32​ PM

On the holiday island of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Urbanloop trains ⁤never stop⁤ running. From ‍July 27th and for the next seventeen months, the city has been testing out this new transportation​ system developed by⁢ the Nancy Urbanloop company ‍in the ⁢Olympic ⁤atmosphere of the leisure‌ island. Driven by artificial‍ intelligence (AI), these capsules that carry two people travel without a driver at a speed of almost 50 km/h.

Sadia, who rode with her son, was ‌happy with her experience, saying, “It was very‌ good.⁤ I like⁢ the speed. We ⁤even saw a fox crossing⁣ the street.” Caroline and Jérôme were equally impressed as they⁢ strolled through the storm: “We live close by. It would be great ⁣to take to work. The speed, comfort, is really high.”

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