Paris 2024 Olympics: help sports clubs develop… by doing your shopping

by time news

2023-08-22 22:50:35

It’s possible to help your children’s football club win balls… by doing your shopping. From this Wednesday, August 23, Carrefour – one of the premium partners of the Paris Olympic Games, which will notably deliver fresh products for the meals of the athletes – is launching a vast operation to encourage healthy eating. The principle ? The 14 million customers who have the brand’s loyalty card will see 10% of the amount of their shopping donated to a kitty (15% if it is a Pass card) for any purchase of so-called “healthy” products. , either fruits and vegetables, organic items or private label whose Nutri-Score displays the letter A (400 in total).

But that’s not all. In addition to the gain for the customer, this “healthy” kitty can then be allocated to an amateur sports club of their choice in order to make them win sports equipment. “The customer can choose to whom he gives his points, deciphers Laurent Vallée, the general secretary of Carrefour. Ten eligible products purchased will earn 10 points for the sports association. The list of participants is indicated on the site and the application. From 1,500 points recorded, the club can convert them into sports equipment: balls, chasubles, bibs, stopwatches, rackets, or even ping-pong tables. In total, 80 types of equipment supplied by major brands can be ordered by registered clubs and selected by regulars of the brand. The operation will last until next summer.

Big prizes worth 50,000 euros at stake

To benefit from it, the 190,000 amateur sports clubs in France must register for free on the platform. “All have received a letter in recent weeks telling them how to participate, continues Laurent Vallée, without specifying the number of registrants for the moment. With our territorial network, I am hopeful that this operation will take little by little. »

Christel intends, in any case, to take advantage of it. At the head of the association Savate en Seine, she manages a boxing club present in several communes of Yvelines. “If we can win equipment, boxing gloves or punching bags, it will be very good for our 200 members,” she explains. But we are even more interested in the big wins that can be won each month. The 10 clubs that have accumulated the most points will indeed win prizes offered by other Olympic Games partners, worth around 50,000 euros. Christel dreams of a minivan or, why not, a rental to take her youngsters to a competition.

“For us, this operation is also a way to drive the point home around food hygiene. We educate young people and their families about nutrition issues every year, says Christel. In boxing, you sign up for a weight class and you can’t put on too many pounds all at once. Eating well is essential. So, suggesting that families buy healthy products seems consistent to him, especially after aperitifs and other summer abuses. The operation, which should cost the distributor several million euros, will then be supplemented by deliveries of healthy snacks, made up of fresh fruit, offered to young people from clubs in cities classified as priority education networks (REP +). .

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