Paris and Algiers are boosting a “new dynamic” in their economic partnership with the Business Forum

by time news

After the rapprochement initiated by the French and Algerian presidents at the end of August, the Prime Ministers of the two countries expressed their wish to “densify” their relationship, Sunday in Algiers. “It’s a step to build even closer cooperation between France and Algeria”, declared the head of the French government Elisabeth Borne to the press, at the end of the meeting, for the first time since 2017. of the High-Level Intergovernmental Committee (HILC).

Thus, the French and Algerian heads of government wished to stimulate “a new dynamic” economic, by inaugurating a Franco-Algerian Business Forum, on the second day of the visit of Elisabeth Borne in Algiers, where she will meet the Algerian President Abdelmajid Tebboune.

New dynamic of cooperation

This Forum, which is held until Tuesday, is organized by the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Business France, a public structure responsible for international investments, which has brought together 70 French companies of all sizes for the occasion. Elisabeth Borne hailed “the new dynamic of bilateral economic cooperation”, assuring that France, “the leading investor in Algeria, excluding hydrocarbons”, and its companies are “ready to participate in the diversification” of Algeria. According to her, we must rely on young people from both shores of the Mediterranean who “want to act and who are full of ideas”.

Algerian Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane launched the discussions by stressing Algiers’ desire to establish “a lasting dynamic” in bilateral exchanges based on “complementarity and mutual interest”. Pointing to Algeria’s central position in North Africa, he insisted on the need to “diversify” its economy, “get out of dependence on hydrocarbons and attract foreign investment”, particularly in agriculture, the production of medicines , renewable energy and infrastructure.

“Quality of political dialogue”

After the signing of bilateral economic, mobility or cultural cooperation agreements, Elisabeth Borne – who came to Algeria with an imposing delegation of fifteen ministers – highlighted the “strong sign” of this trip, her first abroad. , welcoming an “atmosphere of trust and brotherhood”. She mentioned three pillars for this “reinforced” partnership: the economy to “develop trade, innovation and create jobs”; mobility and visas; and youth through increased educational and cultural cooperation.

His Algerian counterpart hailed the “quality of the political dialogue” and a “great convergence regarding the importance of strengthening consultation and coordination on regional and international issues of common interest”. “The time of incomprehension is behind us”, said Elisabeth Borne before her visit about the ultra-sensitive question of the memory of colonization and the Algerian war.

Lunch with Tebboune

The head of the French government affirmed in this regard that the composition of the commission of historians from both shores, who must examine “without taboos” the archives of the two countries, was only a matter “of a few days”. She started her visit on Sunday with memorial gestures, like President Emmanuel Macron during his trip at the end of August which, after months of tension, helped to warm relations between the two countries. Aïmene Benabderrahmane insisted on “the importance of continuing joint work”, through this commission and “the establishment of mixed working groups concerned with questions of memory”.

Prelude to this trip, Emmanuel Macron spoke on Sunday by telephone with his counterpart Abdelmadjid Tebboune, pleading again for the realization of the “renewed and ambitious partnership” decided five weeks ago. Elisabeth Borne is due to have lunch on Monday with Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who signed with Emmanuel Macron, on August 27, a “Declaration of Algiers” around six axes of bilateral cooperation.

The CIHN meeting on Sunday resulted in the signing of a dozen texts: “declarations of intent” on employment, industrial cooperation, tourism and crafts, or disability, a “partnership agreement” in agriculture and a “memorandum of understanding” on start-ups. The holding of the CIHN in itself “is already a step forward” in the political dialogue, according to Hasni Abidi, director of the Center for Studies and Research on the Arab and Mediterranean World (Cermam), in Geneva.

“Intense exchanges”

On the delicate issue of visas greatly reduced by Paris in the fall of 2021, Elisabeth Borne said she had mentioned “the means of encouraging student, scientific, artistic and economic mobility”, while Aïmene Benabderrahmane insisted on the need for a “real facilitation of the movement of people”. Elisabeth Borne reported “intense exchanges” on this issue between the French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin and his Algerian alter ego, saying she was “confident that they will quickly come to an end”.

The presidents of the two countries had paved the way at the end of August for a relaxation of the visa regime granted to Algeria, in exchange for increased cooperation from Algiers in the fight against illegal immigration. This question has poisoned the bilateral relationship since Paris halved the number of visas granted to Algeria, which was deemed not quick enough to readmit its nationals expelled from France. An increase in deliveries of Algerian gas to France is not on the agenda, but Elisabeth Borne said she was “continuing to move forward” with Algeria to increase its gas production capacities.

Elisabeth Borne took only one large group, Sanofi, which has an insulin factory project, and four SMEs: Générale Energie, which plans to build an olive stone processing plant, Infinite Orbits , which has a first Algerian microsatellite project, Neo-Eco, which works on the treatment of waste such as asbestos, and Avril, which specializes in the processing of cereals. For its part, Business France, a public structure responsible for international investment, is taking dozens of companies to the Franco-Algerian Business Forum, which will be inaugurated on Monday by the two Prime Ministers.

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