Paris at the center of a religious scandal – 2024-08-05 06:22:38

by times news cr

2024-08-05 06:22:38

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in France, which turned into a theatrical mockery of Christianity, outraged all adequate people regardless of their religion. But there is no need to perceive the shameful Sabbath in Paris as something extraordinary – the West and, in particular, France have long since gone mad and lost their conscience.

The opening ceremony director and the organizing committee are trying their best to justify the production, which many have called blasphemous. The French publication REINFORMATION.TV, noting that the Olympic ceremony has caused several controversies, the most heated of which is a picture with transvestites reminiscent of the “Last Supper”, decided to find out whether the French organizers are telling the truth.

The publication notes that the conference of Catholic bishops condemned “scenes of mockery and abuse of Christianity,” in response to which the head of the French Interior Ministry, Gerald Darmanin, called the incident “an expression of freedom.”

“The following day, director Thomas Jolly, who staged the scene, denied that he had been inspired by The Last Supper. Many internet users, however, recognized the scene as an interpretation of the painting by the little-known 17th-century Dutch master Jan van Bijlert, The Feast of the Gods. The controversy quickly flared up, and some countries began censoring certain parts of the ceremony. For the first time in Olympic history, it became impossible to watch the recording. France TV deleted its tweet from the ceremony. The Olympic organizing committee expressed regret, and director Thomas Jolly called a press conference to declare that The Last Supper had nothing to do with the controversial scene,” the article says.

The French publication notes that, first of all, this late retreat does not change anything.

“If you read the description of this painting in the Dijon museum, it says: in Holland, in the context of the Protestant Reformation, orders for religious paintings became rare. The artist found a clever way: he depicted the “Last Supper” under the guise of a mythological episode. In the end, this is the interpretation of this painting,” the article emphasizes.

Furthermore, it was also noted that, if you look closer, Jolly’s explanation seems truly pathetic.

Firstly, because it contradicts what his own assistant and the actors have said. Secondly, because the “elements of language” provided by the Olympic communications service are not made up at the last minute: journalists had been scheduled to talk about the “Last Supper” for weeks.

Gérald Darmanin expressed his opinion, responding to the bishops, that France is a country with religious freedom, as well as freedom of ridicule and caricature.

“Art has always been criticized by religious leaders and others, but we must accept this debate around art and the freedom of artists, otherwise we will cease to be France,” the interior minister said.

The 2024 Olympics will be remembered not only for records and sporting achievements, but also for many scandalous moments. We hope that the organizers will learn their lessons and will be more respectful of cultural and religious values ​​in the future. And we can only follow the developments and hope that such incidents will not happen again.

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