Paris has lost 7,000 Airbnb rentals in 2 years

by time news

The number of ads for furnished tourist rentals is down in Paris, the City of Paris announced on Thursday, a year after tightening its regulations vis-à-vis platforms like Airbnb. The town hall today counts 43,000 declared advertisements for furnished tourist accommodation, compared to 50,000 in 2020, it communicated during its “observatory of tourist accommodation in Paris”. “This drop shows that our policy on the subject is bearing fruit”said Ian Brossat, the deputy (PCF) for housing in the city, rejoicing in a situation “under control” despite the return of tourists to Paris.

Still 25% problems

Since 2017, owners of furnished tourist accommodation must register with the town hall to obtain a registration number necessary for rental, within the limit of 120 days per year. “There is still work”recognized the elected. “Of all the advertisements, almost three quarters relate to main residences, but there are still around 25% – or 9,000 advertisements – which must be brought back to the main rental market.” In order to fight against these short-term rentals and platforms like Airbnb or Booking, the City of Paris also has a residential premises protection office to track down owners outside the nails, which last year had further tightened its rules.

” READ ALSO – Airbnb: she rented her accommodation for more than 120 days in 1 year without being sentenced

Since the beginning of the year, the municipality has drawn up 173 fines against individuals, for an amount reaching nearly 1.5 million euros, to which must be added 42 judgments on compliance with the tourism code and 134,465 euros in fine, as well as a condemnation of the NY Habitat platform to a fine of 345,000 euros. In 2021, the total amount of fines had reached 12.5 million euros, an amount which is explained in particular by the decision of the Paris court to condemn Airbnb to a fine of 8 million euros for “absence of registration number on approximately 1,000 advertisements”.

The town hall, which has also submitted for prior authorization the transformation of shops on the ground floor into furnished tourist accommodation, notes a “sharp increase” in requests in this area since, but reveals for the time being that it has rejected 80% of requests. (59 refusals out of 73 decisions rendered). “This is proof that this new regulation limits the transformation of businesses into Airbnb”concluded Ian Brossat.

SEE ALSO – Airbnb: Ian Brossat proposes the establishment of a quota per district in Paris

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