Paris increases SUV parking fees – is Bremen following suit?

by time news

Status date: February 5, 2024. Authors: Pascal Faltermann and Milan Jaeger

Bild: dpa | Daniel Kubirski

In Paris, parking fees for SUVs will soon rise dramatically. In Bremen, the coalition partners disagree about whether the initiative would work here too.

For Bremen’s Transport Senator Özlem Ünsal (SPD), making parking more expensive for SUV drivers is currently not an issue. A socially acceptable transport transition only works with the citizens, said Ünsal to Buten and Binnen. This requires viable, pragmatic solutions and not sham SUV debates.

The department pointed out that the legal situation in Germany cannot be compared with that in France. The department cites a ruling by the Federal Administrative Court as an example. In the summer, the court overturned an increase in parking fees for SUVs in the city of Freiburg, among other things because criteria such as climate protection and social aspects should not be used as the basis for the parking fee regulations.

The coalition partners see it differently than Ünsal. Anyone who needs more space has to pay more for it and should be limited, says Ralph Saxe (Greens). The transport politician of the Left, Tim Sültenfuß, also believes that higher parking fees for SUVs in Bremen are very right. Ünsal’s predecessor Maike Schaefer (Greens) campaigned for this five years ago and received a lot of criticism.

Parisians vote to triple fees

In a citizen survey in Paris, a majority voted for a drastic increase in parking fees for heavy SUVs. On Sunday, the city administration’s plan was implemented, according to which one hour of parking for SUVs and other heavy cars in the center should cost 18 euros instead of the usual 6 euros and in the outskirts 12 euros instead of 4 euros.

For six hours of parking in the center you will have to pay 225 euros instead of the previous 75 euros. The new regulation is scheduled to take effect from September 1st of this year. However, only visitors should pay the special tariff for SUVs.

More about parking fees in Bremen

Those: outside and inside.

This topic in the program:
Bremen Eins, Rundschau in the morning, February 5, 2024, 7 a.m

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