Paris: sharp rise in the price of the metro ticket in 2023

by time news

After the Navigo pass, the metro ticket should also cost more from 1is January. The increase will be 40 cents per unit, according to BFMTV.

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The metro ticket sold individually will cost 2.30 euros from January 1, 2023.
The metro ticket sold individually will cost 2.30 euros from the 1is January 2023.

I subscribe to 1€ the 1st month

L’user from Ile-de-France risks toasting next year. While the Navigo pass should experience an increase in its price, the price of the Paris metro ticket will also increase in 2023, according to information from BFMTV. According to a deliberation by Île-de-France Mobilités, consulted by the news channel, the metro ticket sold individually should cost 2.30 euros on the 1is January 2023, against 1.90 euros currently, i.e. an increase of 21%.

The book of 10 dematerialized tickets will also increase to 17.90 euros, instead of 14.90 euros, an increase of 3 euros, and to 20.30 euros for their cardboard version, against 16.90 euros currently.

The Navigo pass also on the rise

Another increase: that of the Navigo, which will increase to 90 euros (against 75.20 euros currently), according to a decision which must be recorded on December 7 during the board of directors of Île-de-France Mobilités, reports the chain . “The blocking of the government is paving the way for a Navigo pass at 90 euros”, which would be “socially unacceptable”, writes Valérie Pécresse in a letter to the administrators of the structure, dated November 25. She evokes “an unprecedented context of soaring operating costs for transport in the Ile-de-France region, linked to the energy crisis”. On the other hand, users who have subscribed to the imagine R packages will not see their subscription increase on the 1is January since the subscription runs from September to September. The increase will be effective upon renewal, in September 2023.

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The president of the region, Valérie Pécresse, nevertheless hoped to contain the increase in the Navigo pass to 80 euros, provided that companies increase their mobility payment, a tax weighing on companies with more than 11 employees to finance transport, but the increase never happened. Nevertheless, thanks to the increase in payroll of nearly 5% in the Île-de-France region, income from the mobility payment will increase by 468 million euros.

After having agitated the threat of a Navigo pass at 100 euros, the president of the region nevertheless had to resolve to a significant increase. This price increase should allow IDFM to record 440 million euros in additional revenue, which will be used in particular to launch tests on the new lines and pay the energy bill which should explode next year. Currently, local authorities finance transport in the Ile-de-France region up to 12%, travelers 38% and businesses 50%.

” Discussions are ongoing “

“It’s untenable to have a Navigo pass at 100 euros, and what is the justification? There is no reason to do this, to increase the price of transport in Île-de-France by 30%, ”said Clément Beaune, Minister of Transport, on Sunday on Europe 1-CNews. “The regions are setting the prices for 2023, and these are political choices. Some lower the price of the train, others do not increase it. […] No region has increased the price of the train by 35%,” said the Minister, emphasizing that the prices and supply of daily transport are the responsibility of the regions, not of the State.

But “I work daily with Valérie Pécresse, I know that the situation is difficult. […] I completely agree [sur le fait] that we will have to find a way to help the Île-de-France region,” added the Minister. “Discussions are underway, we will see in the coming days and weeks how we can help”, he indicated, recalling the 2 billion euros in aid previously paid by the State to the region during the Covid crisis.

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