Paris Takes Drastic Measures to Combat the Spread of Tiger Mosquitoes: Entire Streets Closed and Residents Asked to Stay Home

by time news

2023-09-02 11:43:29
Title: Paris Takes Drastic Measures to Combat Spread of Tiger Mosquitoes – Entire Streets Closed and Residents Urged to Stay Indoors

Date: 09/02/2023

By: Ulrike Hagen

Paris is currently facing a major challenge as it battles the spread of tiger mosquitoes, which are known carriers of exotic diseases. In an effort to control the rapid advance of these dangerous insects, the city has taken drastic measures, including closing entire streets and asking the population to stay indoors.

On August 31, a larger area of ​​Paris was cleared and cordoned off to carry out fumigation operations. The streets were systematically sprayed with toxic insecticides to smoke out the tiger mosquitoes. This move comes as health authorities try to curb the spread of these mosquitoes, which are being accelerated by climate change and have also been spreading rapidly in Bavaria, Germany.

The regional health agency for the capital, ARS Ile-de-France, announced that the fumigation area extends 150 meters around the home of a person in the 13th arrondissement who contracted dengue fever while traveling. These measures have been put in place to reduce the risk of transmission of dengue fever after a confirmed case was detected. The tiger mosquito, scientifically known as Aedes albopictus, is deemed a carrier of exotic diseases that can be life-threatening.

Furthermore, a second fumigation operation took place in the suburb of Colombes, northeast of central Paris, after another person contracted dengue fever upon returning from a trip abroad. The city authorities are highly concerned about the potential of a chain of transmission emerging in the Paris region, which is home to approximately 12 million people.

The tiger mosquito, initially sighted in France in 2004, has now spread to 71 out of the 96 mainland departments, including regions near the northern Channel coast. The French population has been urged to report any sightings of these mosquitoes, with a special website dedicated to collecting this information.

Health experts have warned that the risk of these mosquitoes spreading is increasing, attributing it to climate change. As warmer weather shortens the incubation period of the eggs and winters are no longer cold enough to kill them, the Aedes mosquitoes have found favorable conditions to thrive. These insects are no longer limited to biting in the summer, as they have been observed multiplying during the winter in parts of Europe, including within Germany.

The Asian tiger mosquito, described by Bill Gates as “the deadliest animal in the world,” can potentially transmit over 20 viruses throughout the year, including West Nile, dengue, chikungunya, and Zika. Given the seriousness of the situation, Paris authorities are taking proactive steps to control the spread of these mosquitoes and protect public health.

As Paris continues its battle against the tiger mosquito, it serves as a sobering reminder of the potential threat these insects pose and highlights the importance of effective measures to control their population and prevent the transmission of exotic diseases.]
#Roads #closed #people #stay #home

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