Paris, Vendée, Var… depending on the department, the price of the shopping basket can vary by 25%

by time news

Food inflation stands at 16.58% between February 2022 and February 2023, according to Nielsen IQ.

INFOGRAPHICS – In an attempt to put out the fire of inflation, the government announced in early March an “anti-inflation quarter”.

The prices of food products continue to climb, to the chagrin of consumers. In February, a basket of 37 references cost an average of 105.25 euros, or 0.94 euros more than in January, at 104.31 euros, according to a Nielsen IQ study for franceinfo. According to the panelist, inflation is thus 16.58% between February 2022 and February 2023.

If the increase is felt on receipts, it can be even greater depending on the department. Indeed, Paris remains the most expensive department in France with a total of 125 euros for the same basket mentioned above. An amount that drops to 100.20 euros if you live in Vendée, the cheapest department in France, according to Nielsen IQ. In Corsica, the price of the basket amounts to 108.51 euros, slightly below the Rhône at 112.09 euros and the Bouches-du-Rhône at 113.25 euros. This is the first time that no department has managed to see its basket below 100 euros.

It is also in the Hautes-Alpes that the basket increases the most, with inflation at 18.37% over one year, ahead of Val-d’Oise (17.87%) and Marne (17.63%). %). Vendée (15.01%), Lozère (15.28%) and Ille-et-Vilaine (15.41%) are the departments whose prices increased the least over one year. However, the departments of the North-East are those which record an acceleration of inflation. For example, in Ain, it jumped 1.7 points in just one month.

Among the 37 references included in this basket analyzed by Nielsen IQ are, for example, a 1 kg packet of spaghetti, a packet of coffee, a jar of 500 gram spreads, a bar of milk chocolate, a jar of tomato coulis, a can of tuna, a box of six organic eggs, a tube of toothpaste or a two-litre can of detergent.

An expected “red spring”

If the increase in the price of this basket is clear, it should not stop… In March, new price increases negotiated by manufacturers and large retailers will be added. If the latter undertakes to smooth prices over several months, a “red springis expected by professionals. Food product inflation could then exceed 20%, before stabilizing at the start of the summer and starting to fall towards the fall. New negotiations between manufacturers and retail groups will also take place in June, to try to contain price increases.

On the consumer side, the State has just launched a “trimestre anti-inflation in supermarkets. Each brand has thus been offering hundreds of products at low prices since Wednesday: 500 references “at attractive prices“for Intermarché, 150 products”at cost prices» for System U or even a device «anti inflation challenge» at Carrefour out of 200 products. To identify these references, a tricolor logo will be affixed in the coming days to the products concerned, and the brands will set up “spoke stopsto guide the French during their races.

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