Paris welcomes him like a king, he will wear jersey number 30-

by time news
from Elisabetta Rosaspina, sent to Paris

The Argentine leaves tears in Barcelona. At PSG he will earn 35 million for the next two years, but the 10 remains with his friend Neymar

Yes, arrived. And the sadness seems to have already disappeared from the eyes of the champion as, with his wife and children at his side, he greets the crowd from the balcony of his suite on the top floor of the Royal Monceau, a spectacular five-star hotel renovated by Philippe Starck, a few hundred meters away. from the Arc de Triomphe and equipped not only with the usual spa, but also with a 99-seat private cinema and an art gallery. Leo Messi officially Parisian, for two years, maybe three. Then who knows. Although he has promised his children to bring them back to Barcelona, ​​the lively pulga seems pleasantly at home in the French capital, which reserves him royal honors.

The white T-shirt with the inscription Ici c’est Paris, here Paris, the slogan of his new club, Paris Saint-Germain, which accompanies him from landing at Bourget airport to his first, temporary apartment, testifies to the fact cut of the umbilical cord that tied him to the Bara for 21 years.

He let himself be sighed a little, true, in the new nest that awaited him on the banks of the Seine: Monday evening he had been filmed while still strolling, placidly, in a bathing suit by the pool in his villa in Castelldefels. But all restlessness dissolved shortly after 3 pm, when the private jet touched French soil; and Messi followed, docile and professional, the classic itinerary of the new purchases of the football market, starting with the medical examination, in this case at the American hospital of Neuilly-sur-Seine, a town in the chic Parisian suburbs that Nicolas Sarkozy governed when his career of Messi was just beginning.

Invisible, in the black van with smoked glass that spooked him with the whole family, including Jorge, the father manager, through the streets of Paris, Messi did not miss his first appointment with the fans at the stadium, the Parco dei Principi, in which auditorium this morning at 11 will be presented with great fanfare to the press. We want to see him even if only for a moment the fans did not let up late in the evening, someone wearing the Blaugrana shirt, given that the Paris Saint-Germain shirt will be on sale starting today.

But the main rendezvous was naturally for the signing of the contract that binds him to the new team at least until 2023 for a net fee of 35 million euros per season. His new jersey is already ready, marked by the number 30, the same as his debut in the Bara. After all, number 10 already occupied by his friend Neymar who, together with Donnarumma, waited for him with open arms to form with Sergio Ramos the most acclaimed dream team in recent history.

The only one to ignore the Flea yesterday was the Paris Saint-Germain web page. While almost unified networks televisions, online newspapers, sports sites, national and international radios overflowed with details about the magical moment in which Leo Messi appeared at the Bourget, the PsgTv, sly, limited himself to an enigmatic 12-second video: a succession of black and white images that allude to the triumphs of the new Paris diamond, the Puce, the latest icon next to the Eiffel Tower and the Moulin Rouge.

August 10, 2021 (change August 10, 2021 | 23:23)

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