Paris: what we know about the threats made by a woman injured by police shooting

by time news

2023-10-31 14:51:33

The Vigipirate plan was launched this Tuesday morning at the François-Mitterrand library station (BNF) in Paris. A police officer opened fire on a woman who, according to several police sources in Le Parisien, shouted “Allahu akbar” and threatened to trigger an explosion. The Paris public prosecutor’s office declares having “been informed of the arrest in the RER C of a woman reported for having uttered death threats from the Val-de-Marne stations. »

It is exactly 7:21 a.m. this Tuesday, when a person in the RER C at Villeneuve-le-Roi (Val-de-Marne), in the direction of Paris, calls the SNCF short number declaring that a person covered in head to toe, of strong build, shouted in the RER that there was going to be an attack. In particular, she shouts “boom”, “you are all going to pass, Allahou akbar”. At the same time, another passenger who got off at Choisy-le-Roi (Val-de-Marne) reported the facts to an agent at the station.

At 7:54 a.m., a woman matching the description was spotted in the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station. The Suge (Railway Security) personnel, relayed by police officers, take out their weapons to force this woman to sit on the ground. The situation is then frozen until the dog brigade, mine clearance and the GSO (Operational Support Group) arrive on site to arrest him. As a safety measure, five metro exits are closed and the RER C is no longer stopping.

“Aggressive remarks with jihadist connotations”

This woman made “aggressive remarks with jihadist connotations”, declared government spokesperson Olivier Véran on Tuesday. She was “obviously dressed in a full veil.” His statements worried users, at least three separate alerts were given, said Olivier Véran.

It was 8:50 a.m. when the dog squad and mine squad arrived on site and began to examine the situation. But at 9:18 a.m., the woman gets up and refuses to obey the orders. Laurent Nuñez, the Paris police chief, clarified during a press conference that “she went towards the police officers”.

According to a police source, “two personnel from bac 15 proceeded, after several warnings, to fire several firearms at the suspect who fell to the ground. She was hit in the abdomen.” Seven shell casings were found on the ground. This is confirmed by the Paris prosecutor’s office, explaining that the woman having “refused to comply with the police officers’ orders and threatened to blow herself up, eight shots were fired by two police officers”. At 9:58 a.m., she was evacuated under escort to the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital (Val-de-Marne). His vital prognosis is in jeopardy, declares the same source.

“This woman is currently in hospital and we will know more in the coming hours,” Olivier Véran also said. He reported that, according to the first elements of the investigation, this woman “had already been convicted”, in particular for having uttered threats against soldiers of the sentinel operation. The psychological state of this woman is under study.

Investigation opened for “apology, death threats and act of intimidation”

Two investigations were opened: one entrusted to the Paris judicial police “for apology, death threats and acts of intimidation against a holder of public authority to prevent him from carrying out his mission”. The other will be carried out at the IGPN (General Inspectorate of the National Police) for “intentional violence with a weapon by a person holding public authority (on the use of firearms)”. At this stage, this is not an investigation by the PNAT (national anti-terrorism prosecution).

“The police were equipped with body-worn cameras,” said the government spokesperson, which could help the investigation. Video surveillance in the station could also be used, he said.

The François-Mitterrand library station “is not served in both directions of traffic until 11 a.m.”, warns the SNCF on Twitter, which speaks of an “act of vandalism”. “Traffic is also slowed down on the entire line. ” THE Minister of Transport Clément Beaune for its part expressed “its full gratitude to the agents who intervened very quickly this morning to protect and secure the numerous travelers”.

Although no identification document was found on the injured woman, according to our information, she provided an identity which is that of a 38-year-old French woman, originally from Val-de-Marne. She has already been hospitalized in psychiatry. On July 13, 2021, while wearing a djellaba, she brandished a screwdriver on the public highway while shouting in Arabic at soldiers from Operation Sentinel. His condition was then incompatible with a police custody measure.

The police prefect praised “the chain of responsiveness from passengers who alerted to suspicious behavior”.

#Paris #threats #woman #injured #police #shooting

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