Parisians invited to vote for or against self-service scooters

by time news

“For or against self-service scooters? » This is the question that Parisians are invited to answer, this Sunday, April 2, during a vote open to all those registered on the electoral rolls of the capital, including non-French nationals of the Union. European.

Ecologist assistant in charge of mobility and transport, David Belliard sees in this election “a new exercise in participatory democracy”. Like PS mayor Anne Hidalgo, the elected official wants to see self-service electric scooters disappear from the streets and sidewalks of Paris. But he affirms that the municipal team will follow the result of this ballot, physically organized in polling stations (without the possibility of voting online or of carrying out a proxy).

Contracts with operators would not be renewed

“There won’t be 49.3 on scooters in Paris! », he assures. If the voters, even in small numbers, were to vote for a ban on these devices, the contracts with the operators would not be renewed at the end of August.

What are the terms of the debate? For David Belliard, self-service scooters “clog the public space”. Too many users continue to park them on the sidewalks, which is prohibited, and not in the parking areas reserved for them, or failing that, in the spaces for cars and motorcycles.

Three dead and 459 injured in Paris last year

This mode of transport introduced in the capital in 2018 also poses a serious security problem. “Electric scooters, self-service and personal, were involved last year in Paris in 408 accidents, which caused the death of 3 people and injured 459”notes David Belliard (1).

The deputy finally doubts the ecological contribution: “In 75% of cases, the use of the scooter replaces that of the bicycle and public transport or even walking”, he says. Moreover, the lifespan of these gears is short, “around 3,000 to 3,500 km”.

An argument that the actors of the sector reject. “Thanks to removable batteries, we extend the life of scooters”assures Parfait Bazebi, head of operations France at Freenow, a European mobility app which, in Paris, relays the offer of two self-service scooter operators, Tier and Dott. “The gear is changed every 12 or 18 months, compared to three or four months previously. And some of the first generation scooters are enjoying a second life abroad. »

400,000 trips per month

One thing is certain: these electric scooters are now part of the landscape of the capital, especially since the pandemic. There are 15,000 to 20,000 in self-service. With the key, 400,000 trips per month.

“It’s a complementary means of transport, which has the advantage of taking you almost door to door”pleads Grégory Coillot, the founder of Volt, a company which presents itself as the French leader in the distribution of urban mobility products (scooters but also scooters, motorcycles, bicycles, all electric). “Making self-service scooters disappear from the capital would be a bad signal and would lead to a transfer to taxis, VTCs and other Ubers. »

Appropriate timing for the government plan

This vote comes a few days after the presentation, on March 29, by the Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune of a plan to regulate the use of electric scooters. Clément Beaune, that some say in the starting blocks for the next municipal in Paris…

In any case, it will now be necessary to be 14 years old (and no longer 12) to be able to drive one of these machines. The amount of the fines will increase from 35 to 135 € to sanction the circulation of two people on a scooter or the fact of taking prohibited routes. Scooters must also be equipped with brake lights and turn signals.

The operators sign a “charter of commitments”

The Ministry has also asked operators of self-service fleets to sign a “charter of commitments”which includes restricting speed in pedestrian areas, verifying the age of users and even identifying scooters with a small plate.

Ce document, “which is not binding”deplores deputy David Belliard, also provides for the installation of a double crutch to prevent the machines from being found lying on the ground, as well as a lifespan objective of five years and recycling of their batteries. In France.

In France, 2.5 million people use electric scooters. More than 200 French cities have self-service scooters.

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