Park Chan-dae, a ‘strong pro-nominee’, becomes the 171-seat Democratic Party floor leader.

by times news cr

2024-05-04 08:51:20

“The bill to reject the bill will be re-promoted immediately after the opening of the hospital.”
After taking office, he declared a strong offensive against the U.S.
Won as a solo candidate, first time in 19 years

Pro-Kang Seong (pro-Lee Jae-myung) lawmaker Park Chan-dae (3-term, Incheon Yeonsu-gap, pictured) was elected as the first floor leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, which will lead the first party in the 171-seat National Assembly in the 22nd National Assembly. New floor leader Park ran as a sole candidate after clearing up traffic within the pro-Myung faction and was selected through a vote of pros and cons. This is the first time in 19 years that a Democratic Party-affiliated party ran for floor leader as a sole candidate without a primary and was elected since Rep. Chung Sye-kyun of the Uri Party in 2005.

On the 3rd, the Democratic Party held a general meeting of elected members of the 22nd National Assembly at the National Assembly Hall and held a vote for or against. Of the 171 elected members of the Democratic Party, 170 participated in the vote, and new floor leader Park was elected with a majority of votes. The Democratic Party did not disclose the number of votes, but it was reported that there was an overwhelming approval rating.

Floor leader Park, who was elected to a third term after dropping out of Yeonsu-gap, is a former accountant, served as the chief spokesperson for Representative Lee’s campaign during his presidential candidacy, and is a representative ‘real pro-name’ figure who held the position of supreme council member until recently. In announcing his political views ahead of the vote on this day, Floor Leader Park said, “With a strong two-top system with Representative Lee, I will work with the determination to reform first, reform second, and reform third,” and added, “We will become a Democratic Party that works and fights, a Democratic Party that takes action, and serves the people’s interests.” “I will make you feel political efficacy,” he emphasized.

Floor Leader Park declared a strong offensive mode with one voice after taking office, predicting a ‘strong-on-strong’ confrontation in the 22nd National Assembly. He said, “We will re-promote the bill that President Yoon Seok-yeol vetoed as soon as the 22nd National Assembly opens,” and added, “If President Yoon exercises his veto on the Special Prosecutor Chae Act, it will be a direct rebuttal to the public sentiment expressed through this general election.” He also said, “In order to run the National Assembly responsibly, I will definitely bring the positions of the National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee Chairman and the Operation Committee Committee to the Democratic Party.” Floor Leader Park appointed Rep. Park Sung-jun (re-elected) as Senior Vice President for Operations and Rep. Kim Yong-min (re-elected) as Senior Vice President for Policy.

“Lee Jae-myung, direct candidate traffic control”… Pro-Myeong was virtually appointed as the floor leader.

Democratic Party floor leader Park Chan-dae elected
Running alone for the first time in 19 years… Skip the discussion
Park “We must unite under the banner of CEO Lee Jae-myung”… Lee: “The bill cannot be stopped because of opposition to the party line.”
The leadership in the National Assembly is also composed of pro-Myung faction members.

Representative Lee Jae-myung immediately after Park Chan-dae (right), the new floor leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, was elected as floor leader at the 22nd National Assembly's 1st floor leader election general meeting held at the National Assembly Hall in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 3rd. Taking a commemorative photo with.  In his speech after winning the election, new floor leader Park said, “I will become a Democratic Party that fights while working and a Democratic Party that takes action so that the people can feel political efficacy.”  News 1

Democratic Party ‘Two Tops’ Park Chan-dae, the new floor leader of the Democratic Party of Korea (right), takes a commemorative photo with Representative Lee Jae-myeong immediately after being elected as floor leader at the 22nd National Assembly Democratic Party of Korea’s 1st floor leader election general meeting held at the National Assembly Hall in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 3rd. is doing In his speech after winning the election, new floor leader Park said, “I will become a Democratic Party that fights while working and a Democratic Party that takes action so that the people can feel political efficacy.” News 1

“I think this means that we should come together under the banner of Representative Lee Jae-myung to get through the difficult situation and put a brake on the runaway dictatorship of prosecutors.”

Park Chan-dae, the pro-Myung (pro-Lee Jae-myung) faction floor leader who was elected as the first floor leader to lead the Democratic Party of Korea in the 22nd National Assembly, explained the reason why he ran as a sole candidate and received overwhelming support from his first day in office, saying, “Centered by the party leader, “I will lead the party in an orderly manner,” he emphasized. During the floor leader election process, Representative Lee personally directed the traffic of pro-Myung faction candidates and supported Floor Leader Park’s independent candidacy. Within the party, there were concerns that Representative Lee’s unipolar system would be strengthened, with an assessment that “Floor Leader Park is a person who will follow Representative Lee’s intentions, just like the floor leader during the time of President Kim Dae-jung (DJ).”

● “Representative Lee supports Park Chan-dae’s solo candidacy”

It has been 19 years since then-Uri Party lawmaker Chung Sye-kyun ran as a sole candidate in the Democratic Party’s floor leader primary in 2005. Considering that Rep. Chung was a relief pitcher who stepped in to resolve the party’s crisis, it is considered unprecedented for a party that won a landslide victory in the general election to virtually appoint a floor leader. As floor leader Park ran alone, the debate process for floor leader candidates was also omitted.

Initially, four-term lawmakers Kim Min-seok and Seo Young-kyo, as well as third-term lawmakers Kim Byeong-gi, Kim Seong-hwan, Park Joo-min, and Han Byeong-do, were considering running for office. However, the declaration of not running for office continued as Representative Lee directly mentioned Rep. Park’s candidacy for floor leader in a closed-door leadership meeting and took action to direct traffic, including actually recommending that some candidates not run. A pro-Myeong faction re-elected lawmaker said, “We cannot act like the previous floor leader of the non-Myeong (non-Lee Jae-Myung) faction and make a fuss by putting our own beliefs first. “Nowadays, the most important thing is the ability to understand Representative Lee’s intentions and carry them out,” he said. “In this regard, Floor Leader Park received high praise.”

There were also concerns within the party that the status of the floor leader might return to the level of the floor leader during the time of the imperial president. In the past, the floor leader was generally appointed by the party president and had a strong character as an agent of the president. However, in 2003, when the Uri Party, which split from the Democratic Party, emphasized the ‘party in the floor’, eliminated the floor leader and used the name floor leader, the status of the floor leader was strengthened to the same level as the party leader. It has become a ‘two-top’ system, with the party leader encompassing the entire party and the floor leader overseeing pending issues within the National Assembly negotiating group. An official from the Democratic Party said, “This time, Representative Lee has pinned down Floor Leader Park, so it will not be easy for Floor Leader Park to show conflict of opinion with Representative Lee or handle work according to his own will, like previous floor leaders.”

● Lee “There should be no stopping the bill due to opposition to the party line.”

There is an assessment that through this floor leader election, the Democratic Party has transformed into a perfect ‘pro-Myung Party’ ahead of the 22nd National Assembly. After being elected as floor leader, floor leader Park bowed deeply in front of the elected members as a greeting and emphasized on this day, “I will break with the Democratic Party of the past that only watched strictly and hesitated before taking action.” From the first day of his inauguration, he began to keep pace with Representative Lee by advocating the preparation of a supplementary budget (supplementary budget) to pay the livelihood recovery support fund to all citizens, which was Representative Lee’s key pledge in the general election. Regarding the composition of the original committee, he said, “I will definitely secure the Democratic Party’s share of the National Assembly Legislation, Judiciary Committee and Steering Committee.”

Representative Lee also attended the general meeting of elected representatives who elected floor leader Park on this day and gave a 12-minute speech, saying, “(In the 21st National Assembly) I have seen cases where bills that were difficult to decide based on the party line were halted due to opposition for personal reasons, so that is really right.” He said, “I hope that those who are newly elected will at least avoid such incidents,” and set out to establish discipline within the party. There is a possibility that Representative Lee will also be reappointed at the national convention in August this year.

The new leadership in the National Assembly is also composed of hard-core pro-Myung faction members. Rep. Park Seong-jun (re-elected), who was serving as the chief spokesperson in this representative system, was transferred to the position of senior vice-president for in-house operations. Rep. Kim Yong-min (re-elected), who is considered a hard-core pro-Myung faction member, was appointed senior vice-president for policy in the National Assembly.

People Power Party Chief Spokesperson Jeong Hee-yong said in a commentary, “Floor Leader Park’s announcement that he will secure the Legislative and Judiciary Committee and the Steering Committee for the Democratic Party is tantamount to a unilateral declaration that he will dominate the 22nd National Assembly as well,” adding, “The general election means that the major opposition parties can control and sway the National Assembly as they please.” “If you thought about the will of the people, you were clearly mistaken,” he said.

Reporter Dabin Yoon [email protected]

2024-05-04 08:51:20

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