parker solar probe: Will the Sun and Mars give life to the Earth? – these two achievements on solar and mars have been hailed as a major breakthrough in saving the planet

by time news
We bake chicken in the tandoori oven. We take the ice cream in the fridge and taste it. Even though fire and water have become so modern, many of us do not realize the importance of both in our daily lives. People caught in drought and wildfires are the exception to this, but the heat and rain in the ecological crisis plague everyone.

One hundred and forty thousand years ago human pioneers invented artificial fire. Our ancestors started sustainable agriculture by establishing irrigation facilities 12,000 years ago. Thus water and fire are the basis of our civilization if not superfluous. But the earth is running low on water. The sun is shining. In addition we heat the earth’s heat shield and shield it from our industry to bring in extra heat.

What is the solution to both? One is that we need to know exactly about the sun. But as the sun approaches our spacecraft will become basma. If the earth dries up, where else can you find water? Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself!

Can the sun solve the problem?

A spacecraft sent by NASA has entered the outer boundary of the solar atmosphere for the first time. Scientists celebrate this achievement as the great leap forward in solar science.

The outer magnetic field of the sun is called the corona. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has now traveled the distance to feel that magnetic field. Previously this was impossible, says Noor Rauwafi, a senior scientist at Johns Hopkins University. This achievement, which took place on Tuesday 14.12.21, is a milestone in the field of space, he says.

Solar Prop

The spacecraft, which flies over the Sun’s magnetic field, will be more aware of its perception during a solar eclipse. Touching the outside of the sun will help us learn about a star very close to the earth and its impact on the solar system, just as it helped us to understand how it formed when the first manned spacecraft landed on the moon.

The Parker Solar Probe, which touches the sun, was launched in August 2018. The spacecraft will orbit the sun for seven years using the gravitational pull of Venus.

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According to NASA, the study will take place near the solar atmosphere at a distance of 3.8 million miles (38 million miles). At the same time, this distance is within the orbit of Mercury. However, it is flying seven times closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft ever sent to the Sun. This test, which will end in December 2025, will reveal many facts about the solar family.

It is customary for farmers around the world to worship the sun during the harvest festival. The scientific world will touch the worshiped sun and discover many facts about how, why and why it burns. This achievement is a start to that.

From fire to water

We will no longer travel from fire to water. Significant amounts of water have now been found just below the surface of Mars. The discovery was made by a consortium of European-Russian space agencies. Scientists say mankind is likely to bring water from Mars in the future.


Valles Marineris, the valley south of Mars’ equator, is the largest in our solar system. The Grand Valley on the Milky Way in Arizona is the largest in the world. The valley of Mars is ten times longer and five times deeper.

According to the European Space Agency (ESA), the valley is the equivalent of the Netherlands. ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter is a research project conducted by the company and the Russian space company Roscosmos.

The spacecraft discovered hydrogen at a depth of less than a meter from the surface of the valley on Mars. Scientists also say that the moisture in the soil is high because water molecules bind to hydrogen. They also say it is likely to be icy.

The presence of water on Mars is not something that is currently being discovered. Earlier, the European Space Agency’s spacecraft discovered water deposits several kilometers below the polar regions of Mars. What is the significance of the current invention? Scientists say that because it is on the surface of the earth, we are more likely to absorb water in the future.


The spacecraft reached orbit in 2016, two years after it began flying in 2016. Although it was originally planned with NASA, then-President Obama cut NASA’s budget, leaving NASA to join the Russian company.

Can we say that we are in the time of finding an alternative to crude oil and have now outlined an alternative if water dries up on earth in the time of our descendants?


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