PARLA / The city will request a credit of 81.8 million to pay 2,561 pending invoices

by time news

The plenary session of the City Council of Parla has approved this Monday -with the votes of PSOE, United We Can and the non-assigned mayor Pedro Andrino- an update of the Adjustment Plan to expand in 81.8 million with which to deal with 2,561 invoices pending payment to suppliers.

This is a measure that was required by the Ministry of Finance and that has led the City Council to approve the formalization of the debt operation with the Financing Fund for Local Entities under the financial conditions agreed by the Delegate Commission of the Government for Economic Affairs.

The Councilor for Finance, Andres Correa, He has justified the need to request this credit to face some bills of which half, as he has revealed, comes from the 2015/19 Legislature, in which the PP governed.

“If it had been paid, we would have saved almost 40 million,” he said, addressing the PP spokesman and Treasury councilor during that mandate, the ‘popular’ Jose Manuel Zarzosowhose “inheritance – Correa has said – always kicks”.

On this aspect, the ‘popular’ has indicated that he will not “question” the existence of these invoices since he has not received documentation in this regard, but he has recalled that in six months Parla has signed 141 million in loans.

The City Council of Parla (Photo: File)

From commercial to financial debt

On the operation approved this Monday, the person in charge of the local economy has emphasized that the objective is to convert “a commercial debt in financial debt”. Thus, he has highlighted that, while this government tries to work on solutions, the opposition only questions “without giving any alternative solution” and without saying if behind their words such as “adjustments” they are referring to “cuts” or “tax increases.”

Meanwhile, the mayor, the socialist Ramon Jurado, has pointed out that although the solutions do not arrive “from one day to the next”, and has stressed that measures are being taken, such as the 650,000 square meters to start developing the area PAU industry 5, one of the income pillars of the 2022 municipal budget, approved last Friday. In addition, Jurado has criticized the “opposition” for only providing “catastrophist visions.”

Precisely, the opposition has focused its criticism on the fact that the income provided by the municipal budget will not be enough to cover the forecasts. At this point, the spokeswoman for Mover Parla, Beatriz Arceredillo He stressed that, with a continuous indebtedness of the local economy, “it will be increasingly difficult to find solutions.”

On the other hand, from Cs, sabrina garcia He recalled that the last budget year showed a deficit of 26 million. For his part, Vox has asked to start cutting costs, especially in what he has defined as “political beach bars.”

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