Parliamentary criticism of the President’s statement: a racist that ignores blood and sacrifices

by time news

March 6, 2023

Baghdad / Obelisk: The representative of the Sadiqoun Parliamentary Bloc considered that the statement of the President of the Republic, Abdullah Rashid regarding the Shaaban uprising, expresses the spirit of racism, and that Rashid considered himself a representative of the Kurdish component, not all of Iraq.

The Obelisk published its position on the statement:

The President of the Republic insults the popular national uprising
The statement of the President of the Republic of Iraq, Abd al-Latif Rashid, summed up a lot of talk about the racism of the mentality that holds the supreme authority in Iraq, and how it cannot abandon, even in a statement representing the presidency of Iraq, its sub-identity, and praises it without the national identity.

The statement of Abd al-Latif Rashid praises the Sulaymaniyah uprising in 1991, which would not have taken place had it not been for the uprising in the center and south that shook Iraq and almost brought down the regime had it not been for the killing and mass graves.

He is the president of the Republic of Sulaymaniyah, not Iraq.

At the same time, the political forces are preoccupied with velvet festivals, entertainment events, and propaganda carnivals, and have not adequately recalled the martyrs and victims of mass burials.

We are facing a clear breakdown in the management of history, and in the employment of positions for the sake of factional, regional and national interests, and a clear contempt for patriotism and the homeland by the President of the Republic.

We are facing a situation in which the neighborhood becomes more important than the city, and the city is more important than the most comprehensive regionalism, and the regionalism is higher than the inclusive homeland, and the party is at the forefront of all of these, and the graves of the parties are more important than the graves of the homeland.

Iraq is in need of a national leader, not an employee who enjoys the prestige of the position and its privileges and rich salaries, although he knows very well that the Iraqi lands in central and southern Iraq are full of mass graves that neither Rashid nor anyone else visits.

Obelisk – follow-up – agencies

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