Partner and FREETV in collaboration: A bundle that includes streaming and fiber optics

by time news

Globes has learned that a company partner This weekend signed an exclusive collaboration agreement with FREETV – the new streaming company of Keshet and RGE. Under the agreement, FREETV will offer its streaming services as an integrated package (bundle fiber-streaming) based on Partner’s fiber optic infrastructure.

The collaboration between the companies will be for FREETV bouncing to the TV market and for Partner it is expected to accelerate the demand for its fiber optics. It can be assumed that at a later stage and after the TV market goes through its upheaval following the entry of new players into the market, Partner like the other players in the market will be considered a re-route regarding the viability of further investment in the TV field.

The FREETV service is an applicative streaming service that will be offered to all television consumers in Israel, on top of the existing Internet infrastructure. In addition, this collaboration will allow FREETV to offer end consumers a premium service that combines Partner Faber, Partner’s fiber-based Internet service, along with FREETV’s streaming service and all in one package and attractive pricing.

The agreement between the parties was signed for three years, after which it is expected to be renewed automatically each year. For the purpose of providing bundle services, establish a FREETV Internet Service Provider (ISP). As part of Partner’s strategy and becoming a major infrastructure player, the team is deploying fiber optics at an accelerated pace. To date, the company has deployed about 740,000 households throughout the country, of which about 225,000 subscribers to the service. By the end of 2022, Partner expects to reach about one million deployed households.

Partner’s Deputy CEO, Tamir said: “Partner’s connection to FREETV is natural, and is further proof of Partner’s strength and importance as a national infrastructure company, and this is another big step that leverages fiber activity and positions us as a major infrastructure player in Israel. Partner’s optical fibers are deployed throughout the country, including in the periphery, and the company intends to continue deploying at an accelerated pace. We thank FREETV for expressing their trust and partnership. “

FREETV CEO Yaakov Nadborni said: “The streaming company FREETV will offer the Israeli consumer high-quality and innovative television services at a very attractive price. “The collaboration with Partner will allow us to offer Bundle Fiber-Streaming as a premium product that combines FREE’s streaming services and Partner’s high-quality, stable and fast fiber infrastructure.”

Partner’s VP of Marketing, Uri Gal: “The agreement with FREETV is a significant milestone in the development of Partner’s fiber optic infrastructure. The new agreement will accelerate the growth of subscribers and revenues and shorten the period of large investment return in fiber deployment.”

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