Partnership between City Hall of Redenção and Unilab, seminar addresses inclusive education

by time news

2023-06-29 21:12:27

Photo: Secom/Unilab.

Last June 23, at Campus das Auroras, the II Seminar of Support Interns in Inclusive Education took place in the municipality of Redenção/CE. The event featured a cultural presentation, institutional table, lecture and presentation of thematic groups, with the works developed by the interns as fulfillment of one of the internship criteria.

The event was held by the Redenção Municipal Department of Education, through the Educational Psychosocial Support Nucleus (NAPE) and Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE), in partnership with the Pro-Rectory of Extension, Art and Culture of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Proex/Unilab), and was part of the training activities of the second group of interns who work in municipal public schools, providing support to inclusive education students in the classroom.

Pro-rector of Extension, Culture and Art, Geranilde Costa e Silva. Photo: Secom/Unilab.

The II Seminar comprises the formation of the interns, being the fulfillment of a scientific action foreseen in the notice, as well as a moment in which the interns were able to present reflections on the works developed, reflect on the acquired knowledge and issue opinions, building new directions for their practices.
“Following a line of training based on an education that welcomes, humanizes and liberates, we are here representing different segments of education to, together, experience a day of exchanging experiences, knowledge and learning”, pointed out the psychologist from the Center for Psychosocial and Educational Care from the Secretary of Education (Nape/Redenção), Sebastiana Araújo.

Photo: Secom/Unilab.

The students who presented their experiences as interns in inclusive education come from Unilab and other universities in the Massif of Baturité, having started their internship experiences in August 2022, after being approved in the second selection notice launched by the municipality through the Municipal Secretariat of Education.
Thus, the seminar also sought to foster partnerships with universities and training institutions in the region. “The partnership with Unilab came about because we consider the seminar an educational action, of a scientific nature, which aims to encourage scientific initiations and promote dialogue, the exchange of knowledge and the production of knowledge, thus contributing to the strengthening of the university with local and regional society, encouraging and disseminating teaching and research”, explained Araújo.

Redenção Secretary of Education, Miguel Missias de Souza. Photo: Secom/Unilab.

Currently, there are about 172 trainee students, working directly with children, the public of inclusive education. Throughout the internship, students participate in monthly meetings promoted by the Municipal Department of Education, under the coordination and guidance of psychopedagogues Aline de Lima, Raimunda Gomes and Karoline Calixto, psychologist Yhanna Dias and psychologist and psychopedagogue Sebastiana Araújo.

At the opening of the event, the institutional table was composed by the mayor of Redenção, Davi Benevides; by the deputy mayor, Aécio Bezerra; by Unilab’s Dean of Extension, Art and Culture, Geranilde Costa e Silva; and by representatives of the Secretary of Education of Redenção; the Redemption Inclusive Education Nucleus; from the Educational Psychosocial Support Nucleus (NAPE) and Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE), in addition to being a member of the training team for interns at the Municipal Department of Education, and of the student and intern Gabriel Almeida, from Unilab’s Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Humanities, representing all fellows.

Photo: Secom/Unilab.

#Partnership #City #Hall #Redenção #Unilab #seminar #addresses #inclusive #education

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