«Passaggi festival» celebrates the tenth edition. A comparison between reason and doubts – time.news

by time news

The Marches event dedicated to non-fiction will take place from 20 to 26 June multiplying initiatives and meetings and expanding with news on the territory

Passaggi festival has become great: in its 10th edition it has grown in the spaces that host book events (from 20 to 26 June), in the number of daily appointments; and the extension on the territory has become great. The non-fiction festival of Fano (in the Marche, a region that has just celebrated Pesaro, the Italian capital of culture 2024) today an event that has pervaded the entire city system.

The 2022 program was presented yesterday at a press conference by the creator and director of the festival, Giovanni Belfiori with the deputy director Ludovica Zuccarini (the event, promoted by Passaggi Cultura and Librerie Coop chaired by Cesare Carnaroli; Nando dalla Chiesa chairs the scientific committee). The true news that this year we have an average of 15 book presentations per day for 7 daysWe have never had such an intense program – said Belfiori -. And in the fifteenth-century cloister of the Benedictines we open a series reserved exclusively for specialist reviews: such as the new “Futuropresente”, on digital technologies and the one on science curated by the magnificent rector of the University of Camerino, Claudio Pettinari.

Around the theme of the X edition, With doubtful reason, the territory through which every book takes us, authors and public will meet. And they will do so not only through non-fiction, but with open windows on poetry, fiction, theater, art, writing courses… (the theme will also be at the center of the master’s lesson final by Latinist, academic and politician Ivano Dionigi, Sunday 26).

Steps starts with another novit, the review of Italian fiction Extra Passaggi, which from now on will be welcomed in the neighboring municipality of Fano, San Costanzo, and will inaugurate the festival with a preview on the 18th (first guest: Veronica Pivetti) and on the 19th. Then the books will move to the sea.

Events range from morning to past midnight. The first appointments start at 9.30 with books for breakfast; followed by scientific aperitifs with the professors of the University of Camerino, and the new Fuori Passaggi aMare. Children and teenagers will be able to participate in the workshops and meetings Piccoli asSaggi – Nonficistica to grow up (among the presentations, Saturday 25: Bruna Cases and Federica Seneghini with the volume On the wings of hope. My diary as a child fleeing the Holocaustpublished by Piemme).

In Piazza XX Settembre, where the central stage has been set up, there will be Maria Falcone and Lara Sirignano with The legacy of a judge (Mondadori) together with Nando dalla Chiesa and his Obstinate and against (Solferino), volumes published for the thirty years since the Capaci massacre and that of via D’Amelio. Another sad anniversary is the one that will fall on May 17: the death, 50 years ago, of Commissioner Luigi Calabresi. In Fano his wife Gemma will present The crack and the light (Mondadori), in which she recalls the killing of her husband when she was only 25 years old.

The historic former Church of San Francesco hosts a non-fiction review (with, among others, the actress Federica Rosellini, the former director of Bankitalia and now a member of the ECB executive Fabio Panetta, the journalist Federico Fubini); one reserved for foreign fiction (among the guests: the Ukrainian Yigal Leykin, the Albanians Anilda Ibrahimi and Tom Kuka, European Union Prize for Literature 2021). And one dedicated to poetry, Passaggi diVersi, which will have two central moments: the evening realized with the Reading with guest Valerio Magrelli (Exfanzia, Einaudi; Wednesday 22) and the awarding of the Franco Fortini International Literary Prize (24). Also at the San Francesco, appointment with the Yellow at midnight and two theatrical events dedicated to the Beatles and Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Among the specialist reviews, three names in philosophy: Mauro Bonazzi (I doubt, therefore, I amSolferino), Maurizio Ferraris (Documanity. New world philosophyLaterza) and Roberto Casati (Ocean. A philosophical navigationEinaudi). The awards are also expected: the Passaggi award goes to Dacia Maraini (who on Friday 24 will present Dear Pier Paolo, Neri Pozza, written for the centenary of Pasolini’s birth) and the Andrea Barbato journalistic prize to the Corriere’s war correspondent, Lorenzo Cremonesi (Tuesday 21). The special prize of the 10th edition will go to Francesco Guccini (Sunday 26th).

Fuori Passaggi is held on the Pincio stage, with events from the world of music and social media. Among the guests: Francesca Michielin (The heart is an organ, Mondadori); Nina Zilli with her first novel, The last of seven (Rizzoli); Jonathan Bazzi with Minor bodies (Mondadori) and Andrea Delogu who wrote for HarperCollins Retaliation. At the graphic novel review, Passaggi tra le Nuvole, will be held there awarding of the best unpublished work of the competition
A Reading in the Clouds (in collaboration with the Reading).

The grown-up, robust child – Carnaroli said yesterday, referring to the festival -; in these years our city reads more and we did school in the area. All that remains is to wish him another hundred of these editions.

April 28, 2022 (change April 28, 2022 | 21:33)

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