Passengers are also fined for not wearing seat belts in vehicles in Saudi Arabia

by time news

Passengers will also be fined if they do not wear seat belts in vehicles in Saudi Arabia. The Directorate General of Traffic (GDT) said the offense involved not only the driver but also the passengers for violating the law for not wearing a seat belt. The GDT said this in a reply to a question on Twitter as to whether a passenger could be prosecuted for not wearing a seat belt.

The GDT said passengers should wear seat belts with the driver when the vehicle is on the road. The GDT said in a statement that drivers and passengers who fail to wear seat belts will be fined. If the passenger is found to have violated the law during a direct inspection, a fine will be levied on the passenger. However, the Directorate General of Traffic said that if the passenger’s offense is caught on a traffic camera, the car owner / driver will be fined.

Eng­lish sum­ma­ry; Sau­di Ara­bia also impos­es fines on pas­sen­gers who do not wear seat belts

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