“Pathetic”, “Good unassisted suicide”. Party under siege – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-12-26 19:52:00

The perfect storm on +Europa. All for a disconcerting “Christmas” post, in which the nativity scenes were revisited according to the dictates of the non-traditional family: one with two Josephs, one with due Marie, one with just the Madonna and one with a black Madonna and Child, the latter representing single mothers. In support of the controversial post, the party wrote: “The beauty of traditions is that they can change! Happy Holidays from +Europa”.

Too. Also for Anita Likmeta, an Italian-Albanian entrepreneur who has been in +Europa for some time and former candidate for Civic Commitment in the September 2022 elections, who decided following the “revisiting” of the nativity scene to leave the party. And she did it using very harsh tones: “If + Europe thinks of defending diversity with hypocritical winks at tradition, I am not available for the role of the lesbian Madonna. Goodbye to Più Europa and happy (unassisted) political suicide! “, you wrote on social media.

After the farewell, the secretary of +Europa Riccardo Magi he did not comment, but spoke on X about the controversy surrounding the nativity scene due to its disregard for traditions. “They want to impose the compulsory nativity scene in our public and secular schools for discriminate against children and young people of other religions and no one says anything – he began, referring to the bill presented by FdI -. Instead, a greeting card posted on +Europa’s social networks to celebrate the spirit of inclusiveness and love that should distinguish Christmas is even accused of blasphemy. There are those who use religious symbols against the minorities of this country and there are those like us who want to unite and send a message of peace and freedom in a moment of celebration like Christmas. Whoever is scandalized finds the guiding star of common sense”, she concludes, continuing straight down his path.

The controversy is also political. Carlo Fidanza, head of the FdI-Ecr delegation at the European Parliament, thundered: “Pathetic“. One word, more than enough. So Alfredo Antoniozzideputy group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber, according to which Likmeta’s farewell to the party is “the demonstration that Riccardo Magi’s party is a thousand miles away from the Radical Party of Marco Pannella who, despite being profoundly secular and atheist, respected popular feelings. This ethical relativism of a minority of dogmatists that make fun of traditions and religious identity is certainly censored by the majority of Italians. My solidarity goes to Mrs Likmeta”, she concludes.

It’s still, Antonio Baldellialso from FdI: “On Christmas day, the +Europa party presented an ‘alternative nativity scene’ in which it replaced the nativity scene for its own political use and consumption. We remind the parliamentarians of this political movement that the nativity scene is a symbol not only of tradition, but also of the religious sentiment of over 1.3 billion Catholics in the world. Therefore, if you don’t like the Nativity scene, simply don’t use its image or meaning. But I understand that it is difficult to try to give visibility and meaning to a programmatic and political void”, he concludes, hitting very hard. And for a blasphemous nativity scene, because that is what it is, + Europe risks exploding.

#Pathetic #Good #unassisted #suicide #Party #siege #Libero #Quotidiano

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