Patria International Colloquium closes with Good Faith on the UH Stairs

by time news

The Second International Colloquium “Patria”, organized by the Union of Cuban Journalists, will close this March 14 at 8:30 PM with a concert by the Buena Fe duo, on the steps of the University of Havana (UH).

Osmar León, artistic director of the act, assured the show will be open to the public, it will start differently, something that will be possible through the video mapping, a technique of using video projectors to display animations or images on real surfaces and achieve an unusual artistic effect; in this case – explained the specialist – it will be on the buildings of the UH.

Among the invited artists for the closing night will be, in addition to Buena Fe, the Nsila Cheche group, DJ Reitt and Chanara, Nelson Valdés, the Iris Duo and Rodrigo Sosa.

We meet to work together, to analyze and denounce the disinformation and hate speech that is displayed in the media, to speak out against the United States blockade of Cuba in all its manifestations, and specifically, against the digital blockade under which live the island

Thus said María Fernanda Ruiz, director of digital communication of the Ministry of Culture in Argentina, during a press conference that, from the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC), announced the celebration of the Second International Patria Colloquium, on the 13th and 14th of next March, in the Che Guevara room of the Casa de las Américas.

“The task ahead of us is so great – continued the specialist in digital convergence and political communication – that we need to work together. We cannot remain in the denunciation of the spurious uses of data; hence the importance of the digital territoriality that we build so that Cuba and the world can communicate”.

For this reason, the Colloquio Patria, which will have the participation of around 60 international experts in communication from more than thirteen countries and more than 100 national guests – specifies María Fernanda – becomes a kind of “struggle against the blockade”, a I find that it should be lived as a celebration of brotherly love and that will position, at the center of the debates, the analysis of “the processes related to the dispute of meanings and the art of politics”.

The event will have a notable aesthetic presence because – the Argentine professor and audiovisual producer also highlighted – it is essential to understand “the sensitive and artistic dimension of our politics”.

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