Patricia Bullrich added Santiago Kovadloff to her work team

by time news

2023-09-11 22:41:05

Looking ahead to the presidential elections on October 22, the Together for Change (JPC) candidate, Patricia Bullrich, presented this Monday the philosopher Santiago Kovadloff as a reference for the “human” issues of her team.

Bullrich asked him to prepare “a proposal that addresses the multiple aspects of the citizen” because “Argentines feel alone and abandoned.”

“This team is going to raise the possibility for Argentines to take advantage of their capabilities, to really come out and stop surviving to live, to be able to live a full life. The economy will support, but this team will work on the fundamental aspects of human life,” said Bullrich during an event at the headquarters of the Proa Foundation in the city of Buenos Aires.

The candidate asked the 80-year-old philosopher to “constitute a team that can work together on a proposal that addresses the multiple aspects of the citizen” because “today Argentines feel alone, abandoned” and suggested that “each one has to to be able to have a project”,

For his part, Kovadloff maintained that “people are broken” because “they have been excluded, postponed and confined in suffering” by those who “have made politics a tool of extortion and deception and have not hesitated to put the law to the test.” service of power allowing everything.”

“We believe that Argentina is broken and that repair is possible. Repair is a task. That task does not lead to redemption. This task does not imply moving from catastrophe to miracle. “This task is an enormous effort in civic education, therefore, in culture,” he remarked.

The philosopher who graduated from the UBA, poet and essayist, explained that he will create “a council of advisors” who will come “from the field of education, health and culture” and stressed that “it is not a Ministry” but rather “a group of people” who are going to “convey convictions” to Bullrich, if she is elected president.

“We understand that ethics and politics are not the same, but they must try to deeply interpenetrate each other so that action is the expression of the ideal of work in the field of construction of the person,” he stressed.

According to the sources consulted, the presentation of the philosopher was attended by JPC leaders and officials such as Soledad Acuña, Sabrina Ajmechet, Lalo Creus, Claudio Avruj, Soher El Sukaria, Enrique Rodríguez Chiantore, Joaquín de la Torre, Fabio Quetglas, Fernán Quirós and Natalia Sarapura .

Also the Conicet researchers Sandra Pitta and Galo Soler Illia and the member of the Argentine Society of Philosophical Analysis Julio Montero.

In this way, Kovadloff will join as spokesperson for “human” issues a team that already has designated references on different topics.

Among them, Federico Pinedo in “foreign relations”, Quetglas in “education”, Bernardo Saravia Frías in “institutional”, De la Torre in “social plans”, Silvia Lospennato in “gender area” and Carlos Melconian in “economics”.

#Patricia #Bullrich #added #Santiago #Kovadloff #work #team

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