Patrick Martin, new “boss of bosses”

by time news

2023-07-06 12:10:24

Patrick Martin knew it: the position of favorite is not the most comfortable in an election, as it concentrates on you attacks and criticisms. Also, the one who was elected Thursday July 6 president of Medef will have done everything to get rid of it.

Despite the alliance of his opponents around the candidacy of Dominique Carlac’h, he will have finally rallied the support of the main federations of the first French employers’ organization, undoubtedly more reassured by this man whose company of distribution of equipment for the industry and construction posted a turnover of one billion euros in 2022, which has continued to hammer “be first and foremost an entrepreneur”.

“My mandate will not be a simple continuation of what has been done – and done well! – by my predecessor”assured before the election before the Association of Economic and Financial Journalists (Ajef), the one who, for five years, was the faithful second to Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.

“Sustainable growth”

“I have an ambition for the Medef”, he assured thus, pleading for a Medef “more committed to the field of ideas”. “It must be recognized that, under the pressure of successive crises – yellow vests, Covid, inflation, Ukraine – we have neglected it a little”, he worried.

“It’s not about turning into think tank, but on issues of growth and decline, artificial intelligence and demography, our country is at the crossroads of founding debates. I therefore plan to install a strong “prospective and ideas” vice-presidency”, he explains, making “sustainable growth” the course of its economic vision.

” Without this, he continues, I do not see how we can create jobs, distribute purchasing power, sustainably balance our social systems and finance the mountain of investment necessary for the decarbonisation of our economy. »

“Companies must re-examine their organization”

Very attached to social dialogue, for which he notes “an urgent necessity”he therefore wishes to propose “from the start of the school year” to “union number ones” to meet to work together on “the growth-climate equation” : “I am convinced that, on this subject, there are ways through with the unions: I do not see any of them deliberately supporting a path of decline which would be fatal for our economy as well as for our social model. »

On employment and work, the new “boss of bosses” salutes in passing the“sharp study of the CFDT” which shows that“there is no rejection of work”. “Many are aware that work is a form of accomplishment and fulfillment”, he assures, while acknowledging that companies have gone “too far into Taylorism”.

“The overly matrix-based and anonymizing approach of certain consulting firms has led to the frustration of an entire generation that aspires to freedom: companies must re-examine themselves about their organization, the place of hierarchy, in particular intermediate, destabilized by digitalization. You have to find a balance between total anarchy and a dated model,” insists the one who, while cultivating a reassuring image of a grandfather, knew how to surround himself with a host of young entrepreneurs.

European “regulatory delirium”

Faithful to the line of the Medef where no one questions the policy of supply, Patrick Martin also pleads for a new reduction in production taxes – “they should be lowered by another 20 billion”. Just as classically, he denounces “regulatory delirium” that he sees emerging at European level, “even more dangerous than in France”. “It is an existential question for our companies”, he warns, planning the installation in Brussels itself of a vice-presidency of the Medef to weigh in the European debates.


A big victory

Patrick Martin obtained 73.18% of the vote against 26.82% for his competitor Dominique Carlac’h, vice-president of Medef in the outgoing team of Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. The participation rate rose to 91.34% among the 1,120 voters representing the professional federations and the territories of the organization, many of whom had given their support to Patrick Martin. The new president of Medef, for a single term of five years, will formally succeed Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux on July 17.

#Patrick #Martin #boss #bosses

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