Patrick Zaki writes to Senator Segre from prison

by time news

Patrick Zaki, the Egyptian activist and researcher who has been in pre-trial detention since 8 February 2020 until a later date, wrote a letter to Senator Liliana Segre from prison thanking her for her love and support. This is what the network of Zaki’s supporters reports, explaining that the researcher “has decided to keep” the letter to Liliana Segre with him “to hand it to her when she returns to Italy”.

Meanwhile, Zaki’s supporters always report, “Patrick’s mother and girlfriend visited him in his detention facility. Patrick gave them fruit juices to hydrate themselves because he knows the problems of visiting when there is such a climate. He also gave him these handmade gifts, made of soap, one is a church for his mother and the other engraved his girlfriend’s name (the photo below shows one of the letters). Gestures that accurately describe the loving soul of Patrick “.

Patrick, they still report, “was informed of the date of the next hearing, but showed no interest, he said he understood that the hearing sessions do not matter and will not let him out. However, he is still strong and resilient, it is positive. and she thinks she will return to her studies soon. She sends her love, gratitude and appreciation to all her friends, professors and university for their continued support. ” As always, Zaki’s supporters comment, “it’s a visit that leaves us with a heart full of love and a mind full of questions, hoping that this hearing will be different and will bring us good news.”

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